Moving (Re-ordering) Attached Records

To re-order the records attached to a bibliographic record, you must be assigned permission 152 (Move records in summary list). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

To re-order attached records:

  1. Retrieve the bibliographic record that contains the records you want to re-order.
  2. In the Summary tab of the retrieved record, select the type of record you want to re-order by clicking it in the View drop-down list.
  3. Select the record(s) you want to re-order.
  4. Click the Move button. Sierra prompts you to enter the target row number to which the record(s) should be moved:

Move record(s) to

  1. Enter a number and click OK to move the record(s) to that row.

The system moves all of the records you select. The first selected record moves to the row number you specified, the second record moves to the next row, etc. All other records in the list adjust accordingly.