Customizing Holdings in WebBridge Resource Links

You can customize the formatting of the holdings within the WebBridge resource panels.

  1. Create the appropriate file (if necessary):
    • To customize the holdings in resource links that display in response to a request from WebPAC, create the wp_resource.html file.
    • To customize the holdings in resource links that display in response to a request from an external origin, create the resserv_resource.html file.
  2. Edit the file to include the following two tokens:


    When the server displays the resource panel, the <!--{linkdisplay}--> token is replaced by the resource link, with the exception of the holdings. The <!--{coveragedate}--> is replaced by the resource's start and end date in the coverage database.
  3. In your style sheet, define a paragraph tag style called "coverage" to format the content inserted by the <!--{coveragedate}--> token.

    (The formatting of content inserted by the <!--{linkdisplay}--> token is controlled by the wblinkdisplay style.)

    Innovative recommends defining styles in a style sheet rather than in the wp_resource.html and resserv_resource.html files.

  4. Apply the "coverage" style.

    For example, this snippet can be utilized in resserv_resource.html or wp_resource.html:

    <p class="coverage">
  5. Upload the customized resource panel file(s) and style sheet to your WebPAC live/screens directory.
See also:
Maintaining WebPAC