Vendor Statistics

To create, print, and copy data from vendor Activity and Performance reports, you must be assigned permission 082 (Update vendor records). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

In the Vendor Statistics function, you can generate Activity reports that track activity and Performance reports that track vendor performance for fulfilling a group of orders. You can also print the reports and copy the report data to vendor records. When creating the reports, you set the following parameters of the order records on which to compute the statistics:

These reports do not analyze checkin records or checkin boxes. Therefore, receipt and claiming activity in checkin records are not presented in the reports.

Overview of Activity Report

The Activity report tracks ordering activity during a specific period of time and counts all orders, receipts, payments, cancellations, and claims. The Activity report:

For complete and accurate counts, specify the entire database for analysis. All records should be included in the Activity report because ongoing activities, such as payments and claims, can affect order records entered into the system after a significant lapse of time.

For instructions and a description of the report, see Creating Vendor Activity Reports.

Overview of Performance Report

The Performance report measures vendor fulfillment of the selected orders within a given timeframe. The report tracks when the orders were placed and all further activity affecting those records. The Performance report:

For the Performance report, you should allow a time lapse between when the orders were placed and when the report is generated. Otherwise, if you calculate statistics on orders placed too recently, the report will probably show many outstanding orders and no further activity.

For instructions and a description of the report, see Creating Vendor Performance Reports.