Placing Orders for Selection List Titles

To add copies for selection list titles, you must be assigned permission 197 (Add orders full approval). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The Acquisitions Department can order the titles, changing the STATUS of the indicated order records to 'o' (on order), encumbering the funds, and optionally printing purchase orders.

  1. Choose Selection List from the Function drop-down list.
  2. Choose the subset of records to search; review file searches are the most commonly used for selection lists. Note that in the resulting list of titles, only order records with a STATUSof '1' appear.
  3. Choose the rows of the order record(s) for which you want to place an order.
  4. Enter an order date. If you do not fill in the order date, the ODATE field will be blank. The order date will be changed when you change the status to "On Order".
  5. To queue a purchase order for the order record(s), check the Queue PO box.
  6. Choose On Order to place the order. Once you choose On Order, the STATUS field changes to 'o', and purchase orders are queued. If you have the Selection List Expenditure Table enabled, the amount of the order(s) you placed is deducted from the Selection List Totals column in the table.

    Once you place an order using this feature, you cannot change the order record's STATUS from 'o' (on order) back to '1' (on hold).

  7. To exit the current selection list, choose Close from the toolbar or select another function from the drop-down function list. Sierra display a Selection List Session Report. ChooseOK to close the dialog, or Print to print the report.