Receiving Orders using Rapid Update

To receive items, you must be assigned permission 076 (Receive). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

You can receive orders using Rapid Update by entering a Receive Date in the order records. To use Rapid Update for receiving, do the following.

  1. Choose Rapid Update from the Function drop-down list.
  2. Choose ORDER from the Select Record Type to Modify box.
  3. Choose the record(s) to update. The steps to do so vary depending on the options you have chosen.
    • For an individual record update, enter an order record number in the Record # box.
      If bibliographic-level holds have been placed on this record and you have chosen the Show Hold Alert during receiving option, you will receive notification of the number of holds placed on it.
    • For a review file, choose a review file that contains order records or bibliographic records that have attached order records. The system will only update review files of order records.
    • For an index search, enter the index and the range of the search in that index.
  4. Enter the fixed-length field to update or the variable-length field to add. For the LOCATION field, Sierra displays a special editor that allows you to replace the location you indicate.
    Fields that Cannot Be Updated as a Group

    When you update records using rapid update, you cannot update the EPRICE, FUND, COPIES, or STATUS fields. Updates to these fields involve financial processing and must be approved by an authorized user in the regular record-by-record update function.

  5. Enter the value for the field you selected for updating.

If you are updating a fixed-length field, begin keying in the Value box to see a list of valid values. For LOCATION fields with multiple locations, Sierra displays a special editor that allows you to select the location field to replace. You can then key or choose the new location within the Value box. Note that you must enter or choose a value to add to a command to the list.

  1. Continue entering fields and values to update in the record.
  2. Once you have entered the commands for a record, choose Start (for multiple record updating) or Submit (for individual record updating). The changes are made immediately and cannot be undone.
    Records in the History Table

    As records are updated, they appear in the History table. The Status column indicates that the records were "Processed," "Busy - not updated," "Deleted on <date>," or "Out of Scope." For a busy, deleted, or out of scope record, the status displays in red to indicate that the record could not be updated. To clear the history, choose the Clear History button.

  3. Enter the next order record or group of records to change. The commands from the previous rapid update are saved in the table of current commands.

For information on this table, see the How the Table of Commands Works section below.

See also:
Receiving Orders and Creating Items

How the Table of Commands Works

In the table of current commands, the box in the Use Same Data column is checked for each field that will be added to the current and subsequent order records that you update. To keep a field's data from being repeated for the current update, uncheck the Use Same Data box for that line. You can check the box again later to add the data for a subsequent update.

You can also remove update commands completely by choosing Delete Row from the right-mouse menu. To clear the entire table of current commands, choose the Clear Command button.

Rapid Updating Options

In Rapid Update, you can choose to update a single record or to update multiple records from a review file, range, or index. When you update records one at a time, Sierra displays the record if you have chosen any of the options found in the Rapid Update settings. For multiple record updating, Sierra does not display records.

You can change between updating multiple records and single records by selecting Tools | Rapid Update Options. If your library has multiple accounting units, you can only update records that are in your accounting unit.