Processing an Invoice

To process an invoice in a session:

  1. Choose Import Invoices from the Function list.
  2. Choose the Accept/Reject tab.
  3. Choose a session from the Session drop-down menu.
  4. Choose an invoice.
  5. Choose Select. If Sierra finds a potential duplicate invoice, the system displays the Duplicate Invoice dialog.

If no duplicate invoices are found, Sierra displays either the Process or Extended View tab, depending on the default tab option you have selected on the Import Invoice tab.

To continue processing the invoice, switch to the Process tab. To view special handling information for the titles in the invoice, switch to the Extended View tab.

  1. (Optional) From the Process tab, you can do the following:
    • Change the currency by choosing a value from the Currency drop-down menu. You can define a different currency rate than the one that displays by highlighting it and entering a new rate.
    • Change the use tax rate by choosing a value from the Apply usetax drop-down menu.
    • Display previous payments by selecting the Display previous payments check box. Serials invoices can have previous payments. Approvals and firm orders invoices typically do not.
    • View the details of a record in an invoice by selecting a line in the table and choosing Show Details.
  2. On the Process tab, edit the information in the table as necessary. You can edit any information in the table that is not grayed out. Sierra displays various monetary information on this screen to help you with this process. For further information, see Understanding Monetary Information on the Process Tab

You can also view and edit an order record by double-clicking on the order record number. Sierra displays brief bibliographic and order record information. To edit the order record, choose the Edit button located in the middle of the screen (the Edit button on the toolbar is for editing the bibliographic record).

  1. Choose Process.

See Electronic Invoice Processing Reports and Logs for a description of the reports generated during electronic invoice processing.

Understanding Monetary Information on the Process Tab

Sierra displays various monetary information on the Process tab. For example, the system displays both the price and the prorated price for each title, as well as additional monetary amounts and totals on the status bar.

Price and Prorated Price
The Price column in the table is the price charged by the vendor, and excludes any tax and service charges. The system divides any service charges evenly across all items. The Prorated Price includes prorated amounts for tax and service charges (if any). The Prorated Price includes prorated tax or GST or VAT paid at the line-level tax; VAT or GST paid from a dedicated fund is listed as Summary Level Tax on a separate line in the table.
Status Bar Amounts
The status bar shows service charge, tax, and invoice totals. Note that the tax total does not display if there is no tax associated with the invoice or if your library pays GST or VAT from a dedicated fund. The invoice total on the status bar is the sum of all amounts in the Prorated Price column whose status is "Accept". Consequently, this total also reflects any tax and service charges for the invoice.