Setting up Encore Harvester

The process of setting up Encore Harvester involves the following steps:

  1. Creating a repository
  2. Creating a profile
  3. Enabling thumbnails (if your collection contains images)

Once you have finished setting the harvesting parameters, you can start the harvesting process at any time. You can also delete harvested records using the Sierra Administration application.

Creating a Repository

To create a new repository:

  1. In the Sierra Administration application, click Encore Harvester in the Other Web Applications list.
  2. Click the Repositories tab.
  3. Click New.
  4. In the Create a new Repository dialog box, enter the following:
    • Repository Code - (Required) The system uses this code as an identifier for the harvester profile. This code can be up to 12 characters long. Note that you can use an underscore between words, but spaces, punctuation, and all other special characters are not supported (including the dash). For example, "main_history" is supported, but "main-history" and "main history" are not supported.
    • Repository Name - (Required) The system displays this name under the Collection facet in Encore. The repository name can be up to 50 characters long. Note that spaces between words are supported (for example, "Innovative Digital Collection").
  5. Click OK. Sierra displays the settings for your repository.
  6. Enter information for your repository, as necessary. You can access each setting by clicking the setting name.
    • Base URL - Type the OAI-compliant base URL for your repository.
    • Image Repository - (Optional) If you want harvested records to be searchable from the Image tab in Encore, select the box next to the Is this an Image Repository? message. Click OK when finished.
    • Xml Format Order - Not currently used. Leave this setting blank.
    • Associated Transforms - For use by Innovative staff only. Libraries cannot edit the Detail, Brief, and Index settings.

When you are finished entering information for your repository, create a harvester profile.

Creating a Harvester Profile

To create a harvester profile:

  1. Click the Profiles tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. On the Create a new Profile dialog box, do the following:
    • Profile Name - (Required) Type a name for your profile. The profile name can be up to 12 characters long. Note that you can use an underscore between words, but spaces, punctuation, and all other special characters are not supported.
    • Profile Description - (Required) Type a description for your profile. Note that the profile description can be up to 50 characters long, and spaces between words are supported.
    • Repository - (Required) Select the repository code you typed above while creating your repository.
    • Scope - (Optional) If your library has Encore Suites and you want to associate a harvested collection with a scope, click a value on the Scope menu. The harvested collection will only display in that scope in Encore.
    • Profile Metadata Prefix - (Required) Select one of the following metadata options:
      • oai_dc - Select this option to harvest OAI standard Dublin Core metadata from your source repository into Encore. This is the default option that most libraries should use for all repositories.
      • oai_dc_encore - Select this option only if you have created a customized Encore-specific version of the Dublin Core metadata in your source repository. For example, you can use this option to present a pared-down version of the original metadata that includes only one dc:identifier URL.
  4. When you have finished entering and reviewing your profile information, click OK. Sierra creates and displays your profile.
  5. (Optional) If you want to harvest a specific set within a repository, click OAI Set, and type the name in the SetName box. When you are finished, click OK.

Leave this setting blank if you want to harvest the entire repository.

  1. Click Xml Format, and click dc on the Format menu. When you are finished, click OK.
  2. (Optional) If your repository contains images, enable thumbnails before starting the harvesting process.

Enabling Thumbnails

To enable thumbnails for display in Encore:

  1. Click the Thumbnail Builders tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. On the Repository menu, click the repository code you typed above while creating your repository.
  4. If applicable, click the set associated with your repository on the Set menu.
  5. On the Subclass menu, click the digital asset management system your repository uses. Encore only supports thumbnails for the systems listed on this menu.
  6. When you are finished, click OK.

Thumbnails appear in the system after Encore restarts. Note that Encore restarts automatically each night.