Recalls: Course reserves patron type for recalls

Set this circulation option to a valid patron type to allow recalls for checked-out items that you wish to place on course reserve. If this option contains a valid P TYPE, the system prompts you to recall items that are currently checked out when you are adding items to a course record. If you choose to recall the checked-out item, the system calculates the loan rule using the P TYPE specified in this circulation option. The system then uses that loan rule to determine the new due date for the recalled item.

Choosing a P TYPE Value

The P TYPE value that you assign to the Recalls: Course reserves patron type for recalls circulation option should only be used for course reserves. Do not assign this P TYPE to patron records.

Adding Bibliographic Records to a Course

If the Recalls: Course reserves patron type for recalls option is set to a valid P TYPE, the system allows you to place bibliographic records whose attached items are checked out on reserve. However, the system does not offer to recall the items. For more information, consult Adding Bibliographic and Item Records to a Course.


Course reserves neither places recalled items on hold, nor blocks renewals. To prevent renewals on items recalled in course reserves, you must do the following:

  • Set a unique P TYPE in the Circulation system option, Recalls: Course reserves patron type for recalls. This P TYPE must invoke the "reserve recall loan rule" set in the LOAN-RULES Circulation Parameters option.
  • Create a new "reserve recall loan rule" in the LOAN-RULES Circulation Parameters option. Set the maximum renewals to zero.
  • In the Loan Rule Determiner table create a unique line to invoke the "reserve recall loan rule" and P TYPE.