Fines/Bills: Minimum charge for fines notice to print

Use this option to select the minimum charge required for the system to print a bill or fine notice. The system still adds the amount of a bill or fine below this minimum amount to the patron's record, and this amount is reflected in statements of charges printed for the patron.

Note that the minimum amount necessary for fine or bill notices to print is based on individual item fines, not the MONEY OWED field in the patron record. Therefore, a patron could have three fines for $0.50 each (MONEY OWED = "$1.50"), but would not receive a fine notice if the minimum amount for a notice to print option was set at "$1.00".

Updating Auto Notice Parameters

Auto Notices saves notice parameters to the Saved Notices table. If you change a notice parameter (for example, by changing the Fines/Bills: Minimum charge for fines notice to print circulation option), you must update the Saved Notices table manually. To update the Saved Notices table, view and save the auto notices that contain the changed parameter.