Download Local INN-Reach Statistics

Your Local Server archives the circulation transactions it receives from the INN-Reach Central Server. You can download archived transactions to a file and then transfer that file to a PC or another machine. To download the data to a PC, the PC must be equipped with FTP Server software. The download uses SFTP (secure file transfer protocol). Using spreadsheet software, you can work with the data to compile statistics about INN-Reach requests and circulation.

On average, a Local Server can store one week's worth of transactions. If you want to track all of the transactions that your Local Server receives, Innovative recommends that you export transactions once a week. For a list of the transactions that you can export, see Available Transactions.

To download local INN-Reach circulation transactions:

  1. Choose the following option in Admin Corner:

    Download Local INN-Reach Statistics.

    The system displays a menu similar to the following:
    Export INN-Reach Circulation Transactions
    Choosing the 'T' menu option when no transactions are selected
    will automatically select all transactions in the list.
     01 > 100
     02 > 101
     03 > 102
     04 > 103
     05 > 104
     06 > 106
    x07 > 108
     08 > 109
     09 > 111
     10 > 121
     11 > 181
    Select transactions to export:
    F > FORWARD                 T > TRANSFER Circ Transactions to PC
    B > BACKWARD                Q > QUIT
    Choose one (1-40,F,B,T,Q)
    For a list of the transactions that you can export, see Available Transactions.

    To scroll forward and backward through the list, choose F > FORWARD or B > BACKWARD.

  2. Specify which transactions you want to download:
    • To download all transactions, enter 't' while all transactions are de-selected. The system automatically begins compiling all transactions.
    • To download specific transactions:
      1. Select or deselect transactions by entering the corresponding list number. The system indicates that a transaction has been selected by inserting an 'x' character before the list entry. (In the example above, the entry for transaction 108 is selected.)
      2. Choose T > TRANSFER Circ Transactions to PC.
    The system compiles all of the transactions that you selected and displays a progress message. For example:
    Processing transaction: <transaction #>

Default Settings

By default, Innovative configures the system to:

If you would like to change any of these settings (for example, to use a different character to delimit the file), contact Innovative.

Available Transactions

You can export the following transactions:

Transaction ID


100 Item request/patron information
101 Patron site renewal
102 Owning site renewal
103 Patron claimed returned
104 Item rerequest/patron information
106 Patron initiated cancellation
108 Pickup Anywhere item request/patron information
109 Pickup Anywhere item rerequest/patron information
111 Check for holds on renewal request
121 Renewal allowed
181 Renewal denied
200 Item information
201 Item barcode
202 Reverse item barcode
203 Patron site institutional checkin
204 Item rerequest information
205 Visiting patron checkout
208 Pickup Anywhere item information
209 Pickup Anywhere item rerequest information
300 Checkin acknowledgement
301 Return unwanted item
400 Transfer hold
401 Recall INN-Reach item
502 Cancellation/no rerequest
701 Item request/patron information (same Local Server)
704 Item rerequest/patron information (same Local Server)
708 Pickup Anywhere item request/patron information (same Local Server)
709 Pickup Anywhere item rerequest/patron information (same Local Server)
801 Pickup Anywhere item barcode
802 Pickup Anywhere item received
803 Pickup Anywhere item checkout
804 Pickup Anywhere item returned
808 Pickup Anywhere return unwanted item
810 Pickup Anywhere return item anywhere
901 Pickup Anywhere item barcode (same Local Server)
902 Pickup Anywhere item received (same Local Server)
903 Pickup Anywhere checked out (same Local Server)
904 Pickup Anywhere item returned (same Local Server)
905 Pickup Anywhere checkin acknowledgement (same Local Server)
908 Pickup Anywhere return unwanted item (same Local Server)

For more information on these transactions, see INN-Reach Circulation Transactions.

Transaction Format

The transactions consist of the fields described in the table below. Note that not all transactions will contain a value for each field.

Field # Field Name Field Description
1 Transaction ID Transaction number.
2 Transaction Number Unique number assigned to all transactions associated with the request, including re-requests.
3 Patron Site Site code of the patron site.
4 Owning Site Site code of the owning site.
5 Pickup Location Info Location code of pickup location (5 character)
Pickup location spelled out (20 character maximum)
Delivery stop spelled out (32 character maximum)
6 INN-Reach Central Server Patron Type INN-Reach Central Server P TYPE from the patronmap table. The INN-Reach Central Server uses the P TYPE and I TYPE to determine which loan rule should be used for the checkout.
7 INN-Reach Central Server Item Type INN-Reach Central Server I TYPE from the itemmap table. The INN-Reach Central Server uses the P TYPE and I TYPE to determine which loan rule should be used for the checkout.
8 Author The author of the item.
9 Title The title of the item.
10 Call # The call number of the item.
11 Item record Item record number.
12 Message Time Time of message in the yymmddhhmmss format.
13 Pickup Anywhere Location Key Unique key for the Pickup Anywhere location (Pickup Anywhere messages only).
14 Patron record Patron record number (optional).
15 Item Barcode The item barcode.
16 Item Message Message.
17 Cancellation Reason Cancellation reason text.
18 Loan Rule The loan rule.
19 INN-Reach Central Server Code 5-character code for the INN-Reach Central Server.