Bath Profile – Level 0

Level 0 of the Bath Profile defines requirements to improve semantic interoperability for a limited number of searches. To comply with Level 0 of the Bath Profile, Z39.50 client and server programs must meet the following requirements.

Bath Level 0 Requirements
Task Z39.50 Server Z39.50 Client
Basic Bibliographic Search (Functional Area A) ISO Latin-1 character set; "any," "author," "creator," "subject," and "title" keyword searches ISO Latin-1 character set; "any," "author," "creator," "subject," and "title" keyword searches
Basic Bibliographic Retrieval (Functional Area A) MARC 21 MARC 21 and SUTRS
Bibliographic Holdings Retrieval (Functional Area B) Send out holdings embedded in Bibliographic records Display holdings embedded in Bibliographic records
Cross-Domain Search (Functional Area C) "any," "author," "creator," "subject," and "title" keyword searches "any," "author," "creator," "subject," and "title" keyword searches
Cross-Domain Retrieval (Functional Area C) SUTRS or XML SUTRS and XML
Result Set Naming (General Requirement) supported N/A
Scan (General Requirement) supported supported

For an explanation of these requirements, consult the following:

any, author, creator, subject, and title keyword searches

Innovative's Z39.50 server automatically supports any, author, creator, subject, and title keyword searches. (This is true even if the server is not configured to operate in compliance with Level 0 of the Bath Profile.)

However, if you want your Z39.50 clients to operate in compliance with Level 0 of the Bath Profile, you must configure them to use the following search attributes. For information on these attributes, consult the Bib-1 Attribute Set website at For information on adding these attributes to the searches performed by your Z39.50 client, see Adding Search Options for a Database.

Any Keyword Searches

Searches all segments of the index. Configure your Z39.50 client to use the following attribute values.

"Any" Keyword Search
Attribute Type Attribute Values Attribute Names
Use(1) 1016 any
Relation(2) 3 equal
Position(3) 3 any position in field
Structure(4) 2 word
Truncation(5) 100 no truncation
Completeness(6) 1 incomplete subfield

Author Keyword Searches

Searches the author (a.k.a. creator) segment of the index. Configure your Z39.50 client to use the following attribute values.

"Author" Keyword Search
Attribute Type Attribute Values Attribute Names
Use(1) 1003 author
Relation(2) 3 equal
Position(3) 3 any position in field
Structure(4) 2 word
Truncation(5) 100 no truncation
Completeness(6) 1 incomplete subfield

Creator Keyword Searches

Searches the creator (a.k.a. author) segment of the index. Configure your Z39.50 client to use the following attribute values.

"Creator" Keyword Search
Attribute Type Attribute Values Attribute Names
Use(1) 1003 author
Relation(2) 3 equal
Position(3) 3 any position in field
Structure(4) 2 word
Truncation(5) 100 no truncation
Completeness(6) 1 incomplete subfield

Subject Keyword Searches

Searches the subject segment of the index. Configure your Z39.50 client to use the following attribute values.

"Subject" Keyword Search
Attribute Type Attribute Values Attribute Names
Use(1) 21 subject heading
Relation(2) 3 equal
Position(3) 3 any position in field
Structure(4) 2 word
Truncation(5) 100 no truncation
Completeness(6) 1 incomplete subfield

Title Keyword Searches

Searches the title segment of the index. Configure your Z39.50 client to use the following attribute values.

"Title" Keyword Search
Attribute Type Attribute Values Attribute Names
Use(1) 4 title
Relation(2) 3 equal
Position(3) 3 any position in field
Structure(4) 2 word
Truncation(5) 100 no truncation
Completeness(6) 1 incomplete subfield

Bibliographic Holdings Retrieval

Depending on the format specified by the Z39.50 client, Innovative's Z39.50 server can export bibliographic records with holdings information in the 500 or 920 field of the output MARC record. See Exporting Holdings Information for more information.

eXtensible Markup Language (XML)

Innovative's Z39.50 server automatically supports the eXtensible Markup Language (XML). If you want a Z39.50 client to return data in XML, set the Data Format option for that client to the XML 1.2.840.10003.5.109.10 option. As specified by the Bath Profile, Innovative uses the Simplified Dublin Core format to map XML to MARC 21 or MARC 21 to XML. If you want to change how your system maps any of these fields, contact Innovative.

MARC 21 to XML

When a Z39.50 client requests an XML record from an Innovative Z39.50 server, the system uses the following mapping to convert MARC 21 records into XML. For information on this mapping, consult the MARC to Dublin Core Crosswalk web site at Note that the '$' character represents the control character sub-field delimiter.

MARC to Dublin Core Crosswalk (Unqualified)
MARC Field Dublin Core Element
245 title
100 creator
700 creator
710 creator
720 creator
600 subject
610 subject
650 subject
653 subject
500-505 description
507-529 description
531-539 description
541-545 description
547-599 description
260$a$b publisher
260$c date
655 type
856$q format
856$u identifier
786$o$t source
546 language
008/35-37 language
651 coverage
752 coverage
506 rights
540 rights

XML to MARC 21

When a Z39.50 server sends an XML record to an Innovative Z39.50 client, the system uses the following mapping to convert the XML record into MARC 21. For information on this mapping, consult the Dublin Core/MARC/GILS Crosswalk web site at Note that the '#' character represents a blank value.

Dublin Core (Unqualified) to MARC
Dublin Core Element MARC Field MARC Indicator MARC Sub-field
title 245 00 a
creator 720 ## a
subject 653 ## a
description 520 ## a
publisher 260 ## a
date 260 ## c
type 008 #7 a
format 856 ## q
identifier 024 #8 a
source 786 0# n
language 008 ## a
relation 787 0# n
coverage 500 ## a
rights 540 ## a

ISO Latin-1 Character Set

You must configure your Z39.50 server to use the ISO Latin-1 character set (see Z > Z39.50 Server).


Innovative's Z39.50 server and client programs automatically support the MARC 21 standard.

Result Set Naming

Innovative's Z39.50 server supports Result Set Naming.

Scan Service

Innovative's Z39.50 server and client programs support the Scan Service. If the Z39.50 server and client both support the Scan Service, when the Z39.50 client sends a search request for which no records match, the Z39.50 server returns an index browse screen. If Innovative's Z39.50 server and client programs are used together, the index browse screen also includes the number of entries filed under each displayed index heading.

Simple Unstructured Text Record Syntax (SUTRS)

Innovative's Z39.50 server automatically supports the Simple Unstructured Text Record Syntax (SUTRS). If you want a Z39.50 client to return data in a SUTRS format, set the Data Format option for that client to the SUTRS 1.2.840.10003.5.101 option. Innovative's Z39.50 client program uses the following mapping to convert MARC 21 records into SUTRS. If you want to change how your system maps any of these fields, please contact Innovative.

SUTRS to MARC 21 Mapping
SUTRS Label MARC 21 Field

For information on how the Z39.50 server converts MARC 21 to SUTRS, please contact Innovative.