Enable patron account access - PowerPAC

To allow patrons to view their accounts from Polaris PowerPAC, and to specify the available account features:

Separate Mobile PAC profiles control patron account access, navigation, and features in Mobile PAC. See Patron Account (My Account) in Mobile PAC.

  1. In the Administration Explorer tree view, open the Profiles folder for the organization, and click the PowerPAC tab in the details view.
  2. Double-click Navigation: Patron Account, and set the value to Yes. When this profile is set to Yes, the My Account option is displayed on the Polaris PowerPAC menu bar.
  3. Set the following PowerPAC profiles to control what features you offer when patrons access their accounts:

Patrons can select an information icon InfoIconBlue.gif to see detailed information about an individual fine or fee. The history section on the details page includes the date, type, amount, payment, and staff name associated with the fine or fee. If you prefer to suppress the history section, set the PAC profile Fines & Fees: Show history in detailed view to No.

If you plan to accept online credit card payments, set Navigation: Fines & Fees to Yes. See Setting Up E-Commerce.

If you want to allow patrons to renew items from the Items Out page, set this option using the PAC profile Patron Access: Renewal Permitted. See step 4.

You may want to suppress the holds queue information because it can be confusing in certain circumstances. For example, a request may be first in the queue, but if it is overridden for some reason, it may not be filled first. Also, if a branch uses primary and secondary routing groups, the queue position of a request may change if the request is sent to the secondary routing group. For more information about holds processing, see Setting Up Hold and ILL Loan Request Processing.

  1. To allow patrons to renew items from Polaris PowerPAC and Mobile PAC, do these steps:
  1. Click the PAC tab in the details view of the Administration Explorer.
  2. Double-click Patron Access: Renewal, and select Renewal permitted.

When this option is checked, patrons can renew all or selected items from the Items Out page in the patron account. (When the profile is set to No, the renewal links are not displayed on the Items Out page.)

Even when you permit renewals, renewal options are not displayed for items that cannot be renewed.

  1. To allow renewals where the patron registration will expire before the renewal due date, select Allow renewal if patron registration will expire.

If this option is selected, the patron sees the expiration message in PAC but the renewal is allowed. The system uses the setting of the governing library for patron blocks.

  1. Select File > Save.

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