Defining Patron-Initiated Circulation Blocks

If your library allows patrons to renew items from the PAC, or by telephone, or you provide integrated eContent circulation from PAC, you can set blocking conditions on these actions that are different from those that apply to renewals from the staff client. (EContent circulation is not supported in the staff client.) The PAC displays appropriate messages related to the blocks that you set.

You allow PAC renewals on overdue items. There is a fine associated with an overdue item, but the fine does not cause the total charges on the patron’s account to exceed a block threshold. When the patron attempts to renew the item, the PAC displays a message that the patron’s account will be charged at renewal and requests confirmation to proceed with the renewal. If the patron chooses to proceed, the patron’s account is charged the fine for the overdue item. If the patron cancels, the item is not renewed, and the account is charged when the item is returned.

You set these blocks with the Patron Services profile Patron initiated circulation: Blocking conditions. You can set the profile at the system, library, or branch level.

Patrons are blocked according to the setting for the governing library for patron blocks in the Consortium Circulation parameter. For more information, see Consortium Circulation parameter.

In addition to the blocking conditions you set for patron-initiated renewals and eContent circulation, PAC renewals are blocked when an item can fill an Active or Pending hold request, when the number of renewals (including the current renewal) would be greater than the renewal limit set in the item record, and if the PAC profile Patron Access: Renewal is set to block renewals if the due date would fall after the patron’s registration has expired.

For more information on integrated eContent in Polaris, see Managing EContent in the PAC.

Also see Set blocks on patron-initiated circulation and eContent circulation.