Receiving Interlibrary Loans

When an item that fills an Active interlibrary loan request arrives at your library, you receive the item in Polaris using a special ILL item template. When you receive the item, you create temporary bibliographic and item records from the template to track the item in Polaris.  Later, these temporary records are automatically deleted when you delete the ILL request.

Polaris Administration settings control whether the deleted bibliographic and item records are immediately purged from the database or retained until a purge process is run. See Retain deleted records.

After the request status is received and the bibliographic and item records have been created, you can check out the item to the patron. Your library controls circulation as it would for any item, such as by adjusting the loan limit and fines. If the item becomes overdue, it is processed like any other overdue item, and the patron is notified.

See also: