Create ILL Item Templates

To create the template for interlibrary loan items:

Each branch that receives ILL items needs an ILL item template as described here. You need to do this procedure only once for each branch.

  1. Select File > New from the Polaris Shortcut Bar to display the New dialog box.
  2. Select Item Template from the Objects list, and click OK.

The Item Template workform - Cataloging view appears.

  1. Type ILL Item in the Name box.

Name the template ILL Item, exactly as it appears here.

  1. Select your branch (not yourself) in the Template owner box.
  2. In the Circ status box (Identification section of the workform), select In.
  3. Make the following settings in the Circulation parameters section of the workform:
    1. Select the material code in the Material type box.

The interlibrary loan material type is recommended.

  1. Select the loan period code in the Loan period box.
  2. Select the fine code in the Fine code box.
  3. Set the number of times an item can be renewed in the Renewal limit box.

A renewal limit of 0 (item cannot be renewed) is recommended.

  1. Make the following settings in the Call number section of the workform:
    1. Select the shelving system in the Scheme box.
    2. (Optional) To track ILL records more easily, type ILL in the Class box. ILL is automatically inserted in the item’s call number when the item record is created.
  2. If you want to input or change information in other boxes (such as Assigned [branch] or Collection), type or select the information.
  3. Set the branch in the Home branch field to the same organization as the Assigned Branch.
  4. Select Do not float.

ILL items never float, and any item created from an ILL template will have this indicator checked automatically.

  1. Select File > Save to save the template.

Once you have created the template, you can receive ILL items. See Receive an ILL item.