Managing Promotions

With Feature It, a separately-licensed product, the library can display featured resources in a dashboard on the PowerPAC search results screen when specific search queries are entered. These featured resources may be library materials, web sites, or community organizations/events. Your library must also have a license for Community Profiles to feature community organizations or events. Promotion records are linked to the featured community or bibliographic record.

To feature these resources in the PAC, you create Promotion records in the Polaris staff client that specify the resources to feature and the conditions under which the resources will display. If your library has Community Profiles and a Campaigns license, promotion records can be generated automatically for community organizations and events.  

Polaris Administration settings determine the location and display of these featured resources in PowerPAC. See Managing Feature It Promotions.

Feature It is not available in Polaris Mobile PAC or Polaris PowerPAC Children’s Edition.

See also:

Creating and Editing Promotion Records