Register a New Workstation

To add a staff client, Leap, or Polaris ExpressCheck workstation to Polaris:

If the workstation is used for Polaris ExpressCheck self-check circulation, continue with Polaris ExpressCheck set-up. If patrons can submit credit card payments from ExpressCheck, make sure a card reader is attached to the ExpressCheck workstation. For more information, see the Polaris ExpressCheck Administration Guide.

The Anonymous OPAC Workstation is used by Polaris PowerPAC code and is installed with Polaris. It cannot be altered.

  1. Select Administration > Explorer > System on the Polaris Shortcut Bar.
  2. Select File > New > Workstation from the Administration Explorer menu bar, or click btnNew.gifand select Workstation.
  3. Tip:
    You can also create a new workstation record from an open Workstation workform. Select File > New on the workform. You can copy the open record’s information to the new record or start with a clear record.

    The Workstation workform opens. For details, see Workstation workform.

  4. In the Network Name box, enter the network name of the workstation, using one of the following methods:
    • Type the workstation network name.
    • Click Browse, and use the Network Browser dialog box to locate and select the workstation. The workstation name appears in the Network Name box.
  5. If you accidentally type leading or trailing spaces in the workstation name, Polaris removes the spaces to prevent authentication errors.

  6. In the Display Name box, type an identifying name for the workstation.

    This name identifies the workstation in Polaris, for example in permission lists, in Polaris Find Tool results lists, and in the tree view of the Administration Explorer. The name must be unique in a single domain system. For more information, see Multi-Domain System Support.

  7. In the Parent Branch box, select the branch to which the workstation is assigned. If Leap is enabled for the branch, the Leap checkbox appears when you select the parent branch.

    The workstation’s parent branch is the default selection in the Polaris Log On Branch dialog box. If the staff member does not have the Logon branch: Access permission for the workstation’s branch, the default selection is the staff member’s home branch. If the staff member does not have the Logon branch: Access permission for the home branch, the first branch in the list of permitted branches is the default selection. The parent branch is also used for determining the offline checkout defaults.

  8. If your Polaris installation is in a multi-domain system, select the workstation’s domain from the Domain list. See Multi-Domain System Support.
  9. If this workstation will be used for staff client operations, confirm that the Enabled box is checked (the default setting) to allow this workstation to log in to the staff client.

    Be sure to select the Enabled checkbox for workstations that require access to the staff client.

  10. If Polaris Leap will be used on the workstation, select the Leap checkbox to enable Leap.

    If this checkbox does not appear, select a branch for which Leap is enabled.

  11. To identify a workstation as a terminal server used for running Leap within a terminal services session, select the Terminal Server checkbox.

    When this box is checked, a staff member logging into Leap from a terminal server session can select the login workstation from a list of Leap-enabled workstations for the branch. This enables transactions to be attributed to the appropriate workstation.

  12. If RFID will be used with Leap without installing the Polaris staff client on the workstation, select View, Parameters, Leap and set the Leap parameter RFID: Use local security manager to Yes.
  13. If auto-polling of RFID tags will be used with Leap, select View, Parameters, Leap and set the Leap parameter RFID: Auto-poll RFID tags to Yes.
  14. If a media dispenser unit will be used with Leap without installing the Polaris staff client on the workstation, select View, Parameters, Leap and set the Media dispenser: Use local security manager to Yes.
  15. Set permissions for the workstation. See Assign permissions to staff, workstation, or group.
  16. Set profiles, and parameters for the workstation. See Set parameters and profiles from a workform.

    For a staff member to do a task on a particular workstation, both the staff member and the workstation must have the appropriate permission for the task.

  17. Select File > Save.

See also: