Adjust Fund Limits

If you attempt to release a purchase order and there is an insufficient amount of money in the fund, or encumbrance limits will be exceeded, a dialog box appears. If you have the appropriate permissions set in Polaris Administration, you can continue releasing the purchase order and overencumber. Or, if you have permission to modify funds, you can adjust the fund to allow the purchase order to be released.

To release a purchase order that will result in fund overencumbrance:

  1. Open the Purchase Order workform.
  2. Release the purchase order. See Release a purchase order.
  3. If the negative free balance warning message appears, click OK to continue anyway.
  4. If the Overencumbrance List dialog box appears, choose one of the following options:
    • To continue even though it will exceed the encumbrance limits, click Continue. The purchase order is released.
    • To adjust the fund encumbrance limits or increase the fund balance, click the Adjust Funds button, right-click the fund you want to adjust, and select Open. The Fund workform appears. Change the encumbrance limits or adjust the fund balance.
  5. Note:
    For information on changing encumbrance limits, see Set fund encumbrance/expenditure limits. For information on adjusting fund balances, see Adjust fund balances manually.

  6. After adjusting the fund balance, release the purchase order again.