
Claiming is the process of notifying the supplier that items were ordered but not received as expected. For example, you might claim an item in the following situations:

You can also claim serial issues or standing order An order placed with a vendor or the publisher directly for all publications in a series, all volumes in a set, or all publications of a single publisher. parts that were not received as expected. For information on claiming serials issues or parts, see Claim issues/parts from the Claim Alert List.

To claim an item, you set up the claiming information in the supplier record. See Add the claiming criteria for a supplier. This information is copied to purchase orders using this supplier. You can add more claiming intervals or change the claiming information on the Purchase Order workform. See Add or change claiming information for an order.

If an item has not been received in the specified amount of time after being ordered, it appears on the Claim Alert List. An automatic nightly process identifies purchase order line items that are eligible to be claimed.

You must set up claiming criteria in the Supplier record before items will appear on the Claim Alert List. Items that already had a status of Backordered or Returned before claiming was set up will not appear on the Claim Alert List, since those items do not have a claim alert date.

When you claim an item for the first time from the Claim Alert List, it is removed from the list, and a claim record is generated. The same item appears on the Claim Alert List again if it still has not been received in the specified time after the first claim was generated. This process continues until the maximum number of claims have been generated. When you claim an item, a claim notice is generated and you can send the notice to the supplier. You must set up the claiming notices with the message and contact information in Polaris Administration. See Set claim/cancellation notice defaults.

See also: