Telephony Parameters Reference

These parameters are available on the Telephony parameters page for each telephony server on the Administration Explorer. For more information about setting up telephony, see Setting Up Outbound Telephony for Phone Notification.

Multiple Telephony Server Settings

Organization designation for message content (General tab)

For systems with multiple telephony servers. Specifies the branch whose outbound telephony messages should be used for this server.

Branch assignment (Outbound tab)

For systems with multiple telephony servers. Assigns a set of branches to this server. The list refers to the registered branches of the patrons in the notification queue. You can assign specific branches to a particular server to minimize long distance calls.

See also: Set General Telephone Notification Parameters

Phone Notification Start and End Times (Outbound Tab)

These parameters control the times patrons can be called on each day of the week by specifying a start time and end time for each day. However, the calling times may be overridden by Date Not to Call entries in the Notification Dates Not to Call table. For example, if a Date Not to Call entry falls on a Monday, the Monday start time is ignored for that specific date. To block calls to patrons on a specific day of the week every week, set the start and end times for that day to the same time. Valid values are: 12:00AM-11:59PM

Cancelled Request Notices (Outbound Tab)

These parameters control the contents of telephone cancelled request notices.

Cancels: Allow patron to list canceled titles

Provides a menu option for patrons to hear the specific titles of the cancelled requests. The default is No.

Cancels: Conclusion voice file available

Provides a generic conclusion message. The default English message is: If you would still like these items, please place a new hold request. The default is No.

Cancels: Intro count voice file available

Includes the number of cancelled requests in the introductory message. For example, the default English voice file message for multiple cancelled requests is: Our records indicate that you have [number] hold requests that are now canceled. If you set this parameter to Yes, set Cancels: Intro voice file available to No. The default is No.

Cancels: Include material type when listing canceled titles

When Cancels: Allow patron to list canceled titles is set to Yes, includes the material type of each item. The default is No.

Cancels: Intro voice file available

Provides a generic introduction message. The default English message is: Our records indicate that you have hold requests that have been cancelled. If you set this parameter to Yes, set Cancels: Intro count voice file available to No. The default is Yes.

Cancels: Maximum number of canceled titles to list

When Cancels: Allow patron to list canceled titles is set to Yes, limits the number of specific items in the list. The default is 5.

Holds Pickup Notices (Outbound Tab)

These parameters control the contents of telephone holds pickup notices.

Holds: Allow patron to list held titles

Provides a menu option for patrons to hear the titles of the specific items that are being held for pickup. The default is No.

Holds: Conclusion voice file available

Provides a generic conclusion message. The default English message is: Please pick up these items as soon as possible. the default is No.

Holds: Intro count voice file available

Includes the number of holds ready for pickup in the introductory message. For example, the default English voice file message for multiple pickup items is Our records indicate that you have [number] items being held for you. If you set this parameter to Yes, set Holds: Intro voice file available to No. The default is No.

Holds: Include material type when listing held titles

When Holds: Allow patron to list held titles is set to Yes, includes the material type of each held item. The default is No.

Holds: Intro voice file available

Provides a generic introduction message. The default English message is: Our records indicate that you have items being held for you.

If you set this parameter to Yes, set Holds: Intro count voice file available to No. The default is Yes.

Holds: Maximum number of held titles to list

When Holds: Allow patron to list held titles is set to Yes, limits the number of specific held items in the list. The default is 5.

Holds: Pickup library voice file available

Includes the pickup libraries for held items in the holds pickup notice. The default English message is: These items can be picked up at the following locations [pickup branch or branches]. The default is No.

Overdue Notices (Outbound Tab)

These parameters control the contents of telephone overdue notices.

Overdues: Allow patron to list overdue titles

Provides a menu option for patrons to hear the specific titles that are overdue. The default is No.

Overdues: Conclusion voice file available

Provides a generic conclusion message. The default English message is: Please return these items as soon as possible. The default is No.

Overdues: Intro count voice file available

Includes the number of overdue items in the introductory message. For example, the default English voice file message for multiple overdue items is: Our records indicate that you have [number] overdue items. If you set this parameter to Yes, set Overdues: Intro voice file available to No. The default is No.

Overdues: Fees voice file available

Includes the amount owed in the overdue notice. The default English message is: You have accrued fines in the amount of [amount]. The default is No.

Overdues: Include branch when listing overdue titles

When Overdues: Allow patron to list overdue titles is set to Yes, includes the assigned branch of each overdue item. The default is No.

Overdues: Include material type when listing overdue titles

When Overdues: Allow patron to list overdue titles is set to Yes, includes the material type of each overdue item. The default is No.

Overdues: Intro voice file available

Provides a generic introduction message. The default English message is Our records indicate that you have overdue items. If you set this parameter to Yes, set Overdues: Intro count voice file available to No. The default is Yes.

Overdues: Maximum number of overdue titles to list

When Overdues: Allow patron to list overdue titles is set to Yes, limits the number of specific overdue items in the list. The default is 5.

Phone Notification - General Settings (Outbound Tab)

These settings control general aspects of phone notification, such as local and long distance calling.

Phone notification - allow long distance

Indicates that the notification system can dial toll-charged (long distance) numbers. The system recognizes long-distance calls as those numbers that are prefixed with 1. If you set this parameter to No, the notification system does not dial long distance phone numbers, and a paper notice is produced for the patron automatically. The default is Yes.

The telephone number in the patron record must begin with 1 to be recognized as a long distance call.

Phone notification - local area code

Identifies the area code local to the telephony server. If you specify a three-digit area code with this parameter and set Phone notification - Remove local area code before dialing to Yes, the following are removed from the start of the patron’s telephone number before dialing: [area code], 1[area code], and 1,[areacode]. The default is Null (empty).

Phone notification – minimum wait after attempt

Identifies how long to wait (in minutes) after a busy or no-answer call before attempting to dial the same number again. The actual time period before attempting the next call may be longer, depending on how long it takes to cycle through the other entries in the notification queue. The default is 30 minutes with valid values 1 or greater.

Phone notification – number of attempts

Identifies the number of times to redial a phone number that is busy or does not answer. The notification server continues to dial a voice phone for the number of times you specify and waits for the period of time specified in the Phone notification - Minimum wait after attempt parameter between each redial. When the notification server has attempted the number of times specified by this setting without success, it does not call the same number for the same notice again. The default is 10 (attempts) with valid values of 1 or greater.

Phone notification - outside line call prefix

Identifies the number required to access an outside line before the phone number can be dialed. Leave this parameter empty if accessing an outside line is not required. An L tells the Dialogic card to wait for a local dial tone before proceeding. A comma indicates a 2-second pause for the Dialogic card. The default is Null (empty) with valid values: Null (empty), comma (,), L, 0 - 9

Phone notification - outside line long distance prefix

Identifies the number required to access an outside line for a long distance call before the phone number can be dialed. Leave this parameter empty if accessing an outside line is not required. An L tells the Dialogic card to wait for a local dial tone before proceeding. A comma indicates a 2-second pause for the Dialogic card. The default is Null (empty) with valid values: Null (empty), comma (,), L, 0 - 9

Phone notification - Remove local area code before dialing

When set to Yes, if a three-digit local area code has been specified with the parameter Phone notification - local area code, the following are removed from the start of the patron’s telephone number before dialing: [area code], 1[area code], and 1,[areacode]. When set to No, the entire telephone number is dialed. The default value is No.

Phone notification - Time required for voice call to be considered complete

Specifies how many seconds a telephone notice call must last to consider the notice as delivered. The default is 7.

Phone notification - Use patron name in greeting

Specifies whether telephone notices include the patron’s name in the greeting. The default is No.

Phone notification lines (array)

Identifies the voice ports that have phone lines connected. List the voice ports, separated by commas. Valid values: comma (,) and integers greater than 1

1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8.

Phone notification: Max number of overdue notices

Specifies how many times a patron should be called as long as the item remains overdue. Setting this parameter to zero (0) means that the patron is not called for overdue items. Setting this parameter to one (1) or greater sets the number of phone calls to make. The default is 1 with valid values: 0 (no calls); 1 or greater

Phone Notification - Answering Machine Settings (Outbound Tab)

When a notification phone call is placed, your Dialogic hardware determines if the call is picked up by a person or an answering machine.  If it detects an answering machine, the Polaris Phone Notification service must determine when to leave the message. Since there is no standard for a “beep” sound, and cell phone voice mail systems complicate the process by switching systems during the call, the Phone Notification service must “listen to” the phone call for a short period of time. During the listening process, the Phone Notification service uses termination rules determined by these parameters. They dictate when to stop listening to silence—that is, to stop when a specific amount of silence has been detected or when the maximum listening time has been reached. The logic is that when 2 seconds of silence (the default period) have been elapsed, the answering machine or voice mail system must be waiting for the Phone Notification message.

Answering machine: Message wait – Initial silence (10 ms units)

This parameter sets the minimum initial length of silent time the system waits for a sound to determine that an answering machine is waiting for a message. The default is 200 (2 seconds), and the valid range is 100-3000.

Answering machine: Message wait – Max silence (10 ms units)

After a sound has occurred, this parameter sets the maximum length of silent time the system uses to determine that an answering machine is waiting for a message. The default is 290 (2.9 seconds) and the valid range is 100-3000.

The default setting of 2.9 seconds was chosen because it proved be the most effective on a wide test set of mobile phones. If you receive complaints about message failure on mobile phones, try a slightly lower value (2.0 - 2.5 seconds). Unfortunately, you may find that the new setting helps some mobile phone users but does not work for others who had no problems in the past.

Answering machine: Message wait – Max record time (10 ms units)

This parameter sets the maximum length of time the system spends on processing (listening to silence) to determine when to leave the message.The default is 2000 (20 seconds) and the valid range is 500-4500.

Phone Notification - Call Analysis, Error, Hang-Up (Outbound Tab)

These settings control technical aspects of phone notification, such as answer and hang-up recognition.

Call Analysis: Answer deglitcher (10 ms units)

The maximum silence period allowed between words in a salutation. The salutation is the patron’s response upon answering the call, such as “Hello.” The default is 1 and valid values are 1 - 100. To enter -1, use the spin control.

Call Analysis: Hello edge

The point at which a successful connect signal will be returned to the application. A rising edge will return a connect immediately. A falling edge will return a connect after the end of the salutation. The default is Falling.

Call Analysis: High glitch
(10 ms units)

The maximum non-silence period to ignore.  Used to help eliminate spurious non-silence intervals. The default is 19.

Call Analysis: Intercept mode flag

This parameter enables or disables Special Information Tone (SIT) Frequency Detection, Positive Voice Detection (PVD), and/or  Positive Answering Machine Detection (PAMD). The default is 8.


Call Analysis: Low glitch
(10 ms units)

The maximum silence period to ignore. Used to help eliminate spurious silence intervals. The default is 15.

Call Analysis: No answer
(10 ms units)

The length of time to wait after the first ringback before deciding that the call is not answered. The default is 4500 and the maximum is 9000 (1 minute 30 seconds).

Call Analysis: PAMD speed value

When Call Analysis: Intercept mode flag is set to enable Positive Answering Machine Detection (PAMD), this parameter balances PAMD speed versus accuracy.


Call Analysis: Start delay (10 ms units)

The delay after dialing has been completed before starting cadence detection, frequency detection and positive voice detection. The default is 25.

Call Analysis: Use enhanced call progress qualification templates

Specifies the use of Dialogic’s qualification template parameters that improve voice (particularly cell phone) and answering machine detection. If modifications are made in the registry, the modifications override the template values; however, settings are reset to the defaults each time the Dialogic service is restarted. The default is No.

Error monitor: Number consecutive failed calls that triggers line reset/shutdown

Number of consecutive failed calls that triggers a line reset or shutdown. After the specified number of consecutive failed phone calls, the service resets the Dialogic telephone board channel.  If a phone call is successful after resetting the channel, the count restarts. However, if after resetting the channel the specified number of consecutive calls fail again, and Error monitor: Shut down line  if failed calls limit reached after line is reset is set to Yes (default), the specific phone line is shut down. An e-mail message is then sent to the address specified in the PAC profile Email notification: Email address of sender, using the e-mail server specified in the PAC profile Email notification: Server running SMTP service. The default is 8.

Error monitor: Shut down line if failed calls limit reached after line is reset

Shut down the phone line if the consecutive failed calls limit is reached after the line has been reset. The default is Yes.

Hang-up: Detection type

Determines what mechanism the software will use to detect when the patron has hung up the phone.  Loop Current Drop generally detects a voltage change when the line is disconnected. Disconnect Tone (default) listens for a specific tone produced by the phone system to indicate that the patron has hung up; this is the most precise method. Max no silence detects a potential hang-up by listening for a period of time where there is continuous sound. If you set this parameter to Max no silence, you can also set a custom period of time with the parameter Hang-up: Maximum no-silence time.

Hang-up: Disconnect tone - dual

When hang-up detection is set to Disconnect Tone, this  value is used to build the tone. When this parameter is set to Yes, both frequency #1 and #2 need to be configured. The default is Yes.

Hang-up: Disconnect tone - Frequency #1

When hang-up detection is set to Disconnect Tone, this setting specifies the 1st frequency (Hz) in the tone. The default is 525 (Hz).

Hang-up: Disconnect tone - Frequency #1 deviation

When hang-up detection is set to Disconnect Tone, this setting specifies the allowable deviation for the 1st frequency. The default is 40 (Hz).

Hang-up: Disconnect tone - Frequency #2

When hang-up detection is set to Disconnect Tone, this setting specifies the 2nd frequency (Hz) in the tone. The default is 656 (Hz).

Hang-up: Disconnect tone - Frequency #2 deviation

When hang-up detection is set to Disconnect Tone, this setting specifies the allowable deviation for the 2nd frequency. The default is 40 (Hx).

Hang-up: Disconnect tone - Leading edge

When hang-up detection is set to Disconnect Tone, this setting specifies whether tone detection notification will occur on the leading or trailing edge of the tone. The default is Yes (leading edge).

Hang-up: Maximum no-silence time (100 ms units)

When hang-up detection is set to Max no silence, this setting specifies the length of continuous noise time that will trigger the hang-up event. The default is 15.

Phone Menu Settings (Outbound Tab)

These parameters control what happens to the phone call in response to patron input (or lack of patron input).

Phone menu: Multiple digit input wait time (seconds)

Specifies the number of seconds the system should wait for a patron to press multiple phone digits (such as barcode) before repeating a prompt. The default is 30.

Phone menu: Number of prompts before hang-up

Specifies the number of timed-out or invalid prompts that will trigger a hang-up. For example, if the setting is 2, the service prompts the user once and waits the designated time for a response. If there is no response, the service repeats the prompt and waits the designated time for a response. If there is still no response, the call is disconnected. The default is 2.

Phone menu: Single digit input wait time (seconds)

Specifies the number of seconds the system should wait for a patron to press a single phone digit before repeating a message or prompt. The default is 10.

SAPI (Computer-Generated Voice) Settings (Outbound Tab)

These settings control aspects of SAPI (Speech Application Programming Interface) voice messages. These are the computer-generated voices that phone notification uses if you do not specify human voice files. For details, see Voices for Outbound Telephony.