Editing Community Records in PAC

Libraries can print these instructions to offer to designated organization representatives.

Only library staff members can create or delete community records, and assign patrons as community representatives. However, once a staff member has created a community record and designated you as the organization representative, you can edit your organization’s community record in the PAC (Public Access Catalog).

These instructions start with a basic community organization record where the staff member has created the record with the minimum three required fields: organization name, organization description, and primary address. However, the library staff member may have entered more community information in your organization’s record before turning it over to you. In addition, your library may have customized the PAC user interface (UI), so it may be slightly different from the UI shown or described in these instructions.

If your library offers ContentXChange, you can incorporate features from the library or the organization’s library record into your organization’s own website. If your organization does not have a website, you can also create a personalized page based on your organization’s library record that allows users to find your organization information using web search engines. See Create a Personalized Page.

Use a desktop computer or tablet to edit a community record in the public access catalog.

See also: