Enter Your Organization’s Social Information

To share social media information, share a graphical “content carousel” of titles, and provide other web links:

  1. Select the organization you want to update. See Access your organization’s record for details.

The organization editor opens to the Profile tabbed page.

  1. Click the Social tab.

  1. To share titles from a saved title list or a saved search, and display the titles in a rotating graphical “content carousel,” do one of the following steps:
    • Click the Share a title list arrow and select a list from those you have saved in your library account. For information on creating a title list, see the PAC online Help.
    • Click the Select a saved search arrow and select a search from those you have saved in your patron account. For information on saving a search, see the PAC online Help.
  2. To show social media buttons with your information in a patron’s search results, enter the appropriate IDs or URLs in the following boxes:
    • Facebook account ID - This entry will display a Like button, so a patron can like your organization from the library catalog. Enter your organization’s ID, not your personal ID. For more information about finding the ID, click what’s this.
    • Facebook page URL
    • Twitter URL
    • Blog URL
    • Linked-In Profile

These entries are displayed as buttons in a Connect with us section for your organization in a patron’s search results.

  1. To provide a web link in the Connect with us section for your organization:
    1. Type the URL in the Website URL box. The URL must begin with http://.
    2. Type brief descriptive text for the URL in the Web site title/description box.

The first website you enter is displayed as your organization’s home website in a user’s search results.

To add more links, click Add more in the Web Links box.

  1. Click Save, and click Close, or click another tab to continue to edit this record.

Examples of social information displayed in the PAC

Content carousel from a title list or saved search

Social media links