Editing Parameters, Profiles, and Tables

Polaris parameter and profile settings, as well as policy and database tables, control how Polaris functions. Most settings are established during Polaris implementation and installation. You can modify most of them as needed through Polaris Administration workforms and the Administration Explorer.

Some organization levels have specific settings not shared with any other level, while other settings are shared. For example, a branch may have its own unique settings for many functions, but inherit other settings from the library and system levels. Polaris uses settings from the lowest organizational level in which they are defined. If a setting is not defined at the lowest organization level (branch), Polaris looks for it at the next highest level (library). If a setting is not found at the library level, the setting defined at the system level is used. Certain parameters and profiles can be set only at a specific organizational level. Some settings can be made at the workstation or staff member level, and these apply only to the workstation or staff member.

For some settings, especially those dealing with cataloging policies, the libraries and branches in your system need to agree on the policies to be implemented because they apply to all organizations. Others must be set individually for every organization in Polaris.

Polaris Administration settings also control organization security and permissions. See Granting Permissions.

See also: