View or Edit a Fiscal Year
You can view fiscal years if you have the Fiscal years: Access permission enabled in Polaris Administration. You can edit fiscal years if you also have the Fiscal years: Modify permission for the organization that owns the fiscal year. For more information about fiscal year permissions, search for "Acquisitions Workflow Permissions" in the Polaris staff client help.
Viewing a Fiscal Year
To view a fiscal year
- Find the fiscal year you want to view, and open it in the Fiscal Year workform.
Select Funds to open the Funds view, where you can see a list of the funds that are linked to the fiscal year. On the Funds view, you can:
Type in the Filter box to filter the list.
Select any column heading to re-sort the list.
Editing a Fiscal Year
To edit a fiscal year
- Find the fiscal year you want to edit, and open it in the Fiscal Year workform.
- (Optional) Edit fiscal year information. See Create a Fiscal Year for more information about fiscal year fields.
- (Optional) To add a new fund to the fiscal year, do the following:
Select Funds.
The Funds view appears.
Select NEW FUND.
The New Fund workform appears.
- Follow the instructions in Create a Fund.
- Select SAVE.