View or Edit a Fiscal Year

You can view fiscal years if you have the Fiscal years: Access permission enabled in Polaris Administration. You can edit fiscal years if you also have the Fiscal years: Modify permission for the organization that owns the fiscal year. For more information about fiscal year permissions, search for "Acquisitions Workflow Permissions" in the Polaris staff client help.

Viewing a Fiscal Year

To view a fiscal year

  1. Find the fiscal year you want to view, and open it in the Fiscal Year workform.
  2. Select Funds to open the Funds view, where you can see a list of the funds that are linked to the fiscal year. On the Funds view, you can:

    • Type in the Filter box to filter the list.

    • Select any column heading to re-sort the list.

Editing a Fiscal Year

To edit a fiscal year

  1. Find the fiscal year you want to edit, and open it in the Fiscal Year workform.
  2. (Optional) Edit fiscal year information. See Create a Fiscal Year for more information about fiscal year fields.
  3. (Optional) To add a new fund to the fiscal year, do the following:
    1. Select Funds.

      The Funds view appears.

    2. Select NEW FUND.

      The New Fund workform appears.

    3. Follow the instructions in Create a Fund.
  4. Select SAVE.