Create a Fiscal Year

You can create fiscal years in Leap if you have the Fiscal Years: Create permission enabled in Polaris Administration. For more information about fiscal year permissions, search for "Acquisitions Workflow Permissions" in the Polaris staff client help.

To create a fiscal year

  1. Select NewFiscal Year.

    A New Fiscal Year workform appears.

  2. Enter a unique name for the fiscal year in the Name box.

  3. Select the fiscal year owner from the Owner list.

    The fiscal year owner is the organization that uses the fiscal year. Only organizations with the Fiscal Years: Create permission appear in the Owner list.

  4. Select a start date and an end date for the fiscal year.

  5. (Optional) Enter a note in the Note box.

    The note text you enter appears on the Fiscal Year workform.

  6. Select SAVE to save the new fiscal year.

You can add funds to the new fiscal year. For more information, see Create a Fund.