Export citations

You can export citation data to the following reference management software:

  • EasyBib
  • Mendeley
  • RefWorks
  • Zotero

You can also export citation data in RIS (Research Information Systems) format and then import the data to reference management software that supports RIS format.

To export citation data

  1. On the Search Results page, a Resource page, or the Bookmarks tab on My Bookshelf, select Options The Options icon. for the work you want to cite.
  2. Select Export Citation.
  3. Select the edition that you want to export citation data for.
  4. Select from the available links.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • If you select a reference management site, Vega takes you to the respective site to continue. For information on using specific software, see the reference management software site.
    • If you select RIS File, Vega saves the file to your Downloads folder. Import the file to your reference management software to continue.