ERM Summary Reports

ERM summary reports enable you to compare number of titles, cost, cost-per-use, and title usage across resources. For more information on creating this report, see Creating Summary Reports in ERM.

The following are described below:

Report Elements
Example Report

Report Elements

The report contains the following elements:

Column Description
Resource The name of the resource (the t-tagged field of the resource record). This element is stored in the statistics database when the usage data is imported. Displays for summary reports grouped by resource.
Subject The subject based on the first SCAT table on the system. The DESCRIPTION column of the SCAT table is used to determine the label. Displays for summary reports grouped by subject.
Title The title is stored in the statistics database when the usage data is imported.
Cost Total cost of the resource.
Title Usage
Column Description
Total Total of usage for all titles within the date range.
Maximum Identifies the highest usage total within the titles in that resource or subject.
Average Average (mean) usage for the resource across titles within the date range.
Standard Deviation Statistical standard deviation relative to the average usage. This element measures the degree of variation from the mean usage.
Cost per Use Cost per use at the resource level. The total CPU using total usage and total cost.
Detail Reports Detail reports are created by clicking the icons in the Summary Report. Each Detail report opens on its own tab. For more information, see Creating Detail Reports in ERM.

Example Report