Binding Slips

Your library determines the binding slip's:

The data printed on binding slips, and where it prints, is controlled by the Binding Slip Formats option. The binding slip format contains the library's specifications for which fields to print and how the call number, volume number, and cover date is formatted.

If more than one binding slip format exists, indicate which one to use for a given checkin record by entering the number of the binding slip format and a backslash (e.g., "2\") at the beginning of the BIND INFO in the checkin record.

If no specification is indicated or if no BIND INFO field is present in a checkin record, the system defaults to using the first specification in the table. See Binding Slip Formats for information on changing your library's format.

Binding slips print in two sections:

The BIND INFO field is usually printed on the lower section of the binding slip, as binding instructions. However, this field could be printed in the upper section of the binding slip, if desired.

If there is more than one BIND INFO field, only the first one prints.

If a complete volume is bound, the volume number displays without issue numbers. If a partial volume is bound, the volume and issue numbers are separated by a colon: "v.36:1-7"

For checkin records with more than one copy, a separate slip prints for each copy being sent to the bindery.

The following provides an example of a binding slip:

The fields and formats that can print are:

Record Type Field Format Example
bibliographic or checkin record. The system can sequentially check different record types to locate a given field. Any variable-length field N/A N/A
checkin record. If the BIND TITLE cannot be found in the checkin record, the system will print the title from the bibliographic record. BIND TITLE In this field a dollar sign indicates where line breaks occur. Journal$of the$Chemical$Society

volume number

v. preceding number

no. preceding number




checkin COVER DATE

Year only

Months and years

Months and years on separate lines


Oct 1990-Mar 1991



Checkin record. If the CALL NUMBER cannot be found in the checkin record, the system will print the title from the bibliographic record. CALL NUMBER Class letters, number, and decimal on one line PR360.6
C547 or .C547
" " Class letters and number on one line, decimal on following line PR360
C547 or .C547
" " Class letters on one line, class numbers and decimal on next line PR
C547 or .C547
" " Class letters, number, and decimal each on separate lines PR
C547 or .C547

The cutter number always prints on its own line. You can specify whether or not to print the decimal point preceding the cutter number.
You may specify your own format by placing a space exactly where each line break is to occur. For instance, if you key PR360 .6 C547, the system will print out:


Checkin BINDING NOTE Up to 20 characters. Input when issues are sent to the bindery. This note can be used for volume/data information which cannot be determined from the boxes. N/A
Checkin COPIES
This field does not print if COPIES = '1'.
Checkin RECORD NUMBER N/A C2110945
N/A. This is the library name that appears on the title bar of Sierra application windows, circulation receipts, etc. library name N/A N/A
N/A free text N/A N/A
N/A blank lines N/A N/A