Bookings History Table Display

When you view the booking history of a patron or item, Sierra displays the Bookings History table. The Bookings History table displays all of the cancelled and expired bookings that were placed during the time period your library has set up to archive cancelled and expired bookings.

The following are described below:

Data Elements
Example Display

Data Elements

The Bookings History table includes the following elements:

The title of the booked item.
Call Number or Barcode
The call number or barcode of the booked item. (You can switch between the two fields by choosing the toggle icon.)
Start Date/Time
The date and time on which the booking was scheduled to start.
The name of the patron for whom the booking was placed.
Event or Pickup Loc
The name of the event with which the booking is associated, if any, or the pickup location. Bookings can contain pickup locations only if your library has the Transit Time for Booked Items feature enabled. (You can switch between the two fields by choosing the toggle icon.)
The Status of the booking: cancelled or expired. Sierra does not display bookings whose Status is current in the Bookings History table.

Example Display

The following is an example of the Bookings History table:

Bookings History Table display