Using Local Fields When Downloading Records

Local fields can be used to create attached records and to specify bibliographic or authority record information during downloading. This page describes:

In this topic, the '^' character represents blank MARC indicators.

Local Fields in Bibliographic and Item Record Downloading

Batch Loading

For batch loading bibliographic records, every record needs a command line. A single command line in the first record in a file does not apply to all bibliographic records in that file.

Command Lines

General Commands Action
recs= Specifies load table
ins= Specifies user login name
dflt= Specifies default template(s)
ov= Specifies overlay match point
Bibliographic Commands Action
b1= Sets value of BCODE1 (for example, BIB LEVEL)
b2= Sets value of BCODE2 (for example, MAT TYPE)
b3= Sets value of BCODE3
bn= Sets value of Bibliographic LOCATION
cy= Sets value of COUNTRY
la= Sets value of LANGUAGE
ct= Sets value of CAT DATE
Item Commands Action
i= Sets value of Barcode
loc= Sets value of Item LOCATION
cop= Sets value of COPY#
v= Sets value of VOLUME
ty= Sets value of ITYPE
pr= Sets value of PRICE
sta= Sets value of STATUS
i1= Sets value of ICODE1
i2= Sets value of ICODE2
im= Sets value of IMESSAGE
om= Sets value of OPACMSG
ag= Sets value of AGENCY


Branch Library A

The library downloads a bibliographic record with the following 949^^ :

949^^  *recs=b;dflt=vidi;ov=.b12345678;i=35051123456789/pr=34.99;

What Happens:

Subfield Lines

Subfields Action
a,b Sets value of CALL NO
f Sets value of CALL NO PRE STAMP
k Sets value of CALL NO POST STAMP
d,e Sets value of repeatable VOLUME/PART
c Sets value of VOLUME/PART
z Sets MARC tag of CALL NO
g Sets value of COPY#
i Sets value of Barcode
l Sets value of Item LOCATION
m Sets value of MESSAGE (variable field)
n Sets value of NOTE
p Sets value of PRICE
q Sets value of ICODE1
r Sets value of ICODE2
s Sets value of STATUS
t Sets value of ITYPE
u Sets value of IMESSAGE
o Sets value of OPACMSG
h Sets value of AGENCY


Branch Library B

The library downloads a bibliographic record with both the following 949^^ and 949^1 fields. The library adds one 949^1 for each desired item.

949 ^^ *recs=b;dflt=refb,refi;ov=.b19876552;ins=luv;

949 ^1 ‡i35002004183725‡cv. 1

949 ^1 ‡i35002004183736‡cv. 2

949 ^1 ‡i35002004183747‡cv. 3

949 ^1 ‡i35002004183758‡cv. 4

949 ^1 ‡i35002004183725‡cv. 5

What Happens:

Local Fields in Bibliographic and Order Record Downloading

Command Lines

General Commands Action
recs= Specifies load table to create bibs and orders
ins= Specifies user login name
dflt= Specifies default template(s)
po=n; Turn off printing of purchase orders.
po=y; Turn on printing of purchase orders.
po=p; Turn on printing of purchase orders and put 'p' in TLOC field.
Order Commands Action
at= Sets Value of ACQ TYPE
bl= Sets Value of BLOC
br= Sets Value of Order LOCATION
c1= Sets Value of CODE1
c2= Sets Value of CODE2
c3= Sets Value of CODE3
c4 Sets Value of CODE4
cd= Sets Value of CDATE
cl= Sets Value of CLAIM
cp= Sets Value of COPIES
cz= Sets Value of COUNTRY
ep= Sets Value of EPRICE
fd= Sets Value of FUND
ff= Converts the estimated Price from the specified foreign currency to your currency.
fm= Sets Value of FORMAT
ln= Sets Value of LANG
od= Sets Value of ODATE
on= Sets Value of ORD NOTE
ot= Sets Value of ORD TYPE
rc Sets Value of RACTION
rd= Sets Value of RDATE
rl= Sets Value of RLOC
st= Sets Value of STATUS
tl= Sets Value of TLOC
vd= Sets Value of VENDOR
vl= Sets Value of VOLUMES

Subfields (as part of Command Lines)

Subfields Action
f Sets value of VEN TITLE #
z Sets value of INT NOTE
n Sets value of NOTE
l Sets value of OLD ORD #
q Sets value of VEN ADDR
r Sets value of REQUESTOR
v Sets value of VEN NOTE


Branch Library C

The library downloads a bibliographic record with the following 949^^ :

949 ^^ *dflt=vidb,vido;ins=tkm;fd=fnd1;vd=vnd1;cp=3;ep=25.00;|rDr. L. M. Gauting

What Happens:

Branch Library D

The library downloads a bibliographic record with the following 949^^ :

949 ^^ *bn=main;br=mmed;ep=25;fd=mvid;vd=black;fm=v;rc=a;|zGive to JG	

What Happens:

Branch Library E

The library downloads a bibliographic record with the following 949^^ :

949 ^^ *bn=main;br=maf;ff=cad;ep=44.99;fd=mca;vd=bison;fm=f;od=05-17-04;

What Happens:

Authority Records Downloading

When downloading authority records, Sierra looks at position 6 in the leader to determine the MARC type. If that value is "x", the system processes the record as UNIMARC. Otherwise, the record is assumed to be MARC 21.

Command Lines

An authority record can be copied as another type of authority record using the "Copy" function in the Editor. See Copying Authority Records.

Commands Action
atab=anam Invokes the 'name authority' load table
atab=asub Invokes the 'subject authority' load table
ov= Overlays on record number

Subfield Lines


Branch Library F

The library downloads an authority record with the following 949^^ :

949 ^^ *atab=asub;

What Happens:

Branch Library G

The library downloads an authority record with the following 949^^ :

949 ^^ *ov=.a1988333x;

What Happens:

Branch Library H

The library downloads an authority record with the following 949^^ :

949 ^^ *a1=k;a3=n;

What Happens: