Creating Circulation Activity - Patrons Reports

To view these reports, you must be authorized for function 17 (Circulation statistics). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The Circulation Activity - Patrons report displays statistics on all items checked out as of midnight the previous night.

To create a Patrons report:

  1. Direct your Internet browser to your library's installation of Web Management Reports:


  1. Choose the report you want to construct. The system prompts you for login information.
  2. Enter your login name and password, and then click OK. The system displays the parameters page for this report.
  3. Choose one of the following from the Display By drop-down list:

    Patron TypeDisplays the number of patrons with items, the number and percentage of items, average items per user, the number of patrons with items overdue, the number of patrons with fines, and the total fines, by patron type.
    Item TypeDisplays the number of items checked out, the number of items overdue, and the total fines, by item type.
    Item LocationDisplays the number of items checked out, the number of items overdue, and the total fines, by item location.
    Reports by Item Type or Item Location

    Reports by item type or item location include the following special lines of information:

    Manual Charges

    Manual charges are the current manual charges on the system. These charges cannot be included in any line for item type or item location because they are not linked to an item.

    Item Deleted

    Item deleted charges are charges for items that have been deleted from the system. These charges cannot be included in any line for item type or item location because the items have been deleted.

  4. Choose Submit. The system gathers data for the report:
    • If the report is brief, the system loads the report data into a spreadsheet template and downloads it to your computer.
    • If the report is more complex, the page displays the following message:

      Your request has been processed. However it may take some time to complete. Please go to the Review tab to see the status of the report.

      If you see this message and choose the Review tab, your report appears at, or near, the top of the list with the status "working". When the report is no longer "working", click the report title to download it to your PC.

      Downloading Spreadsheets

      The downloading process can vary depending on your computer's system and software settings.

      • Your operating system might ask you to specify the application with which to open the downloaded file. Choose "Microsoft Excel".
      • Excel might ask you if you want to enable or disable macros. Choose to Enable Macros. The templates use macros to create the graphical charts.