Customizing Community Reviews

The WebPAC Bibliographic Record Display (bib_display.html) form allows libraries to offer Community Reviews to display in any of the following options.

Brief Display

The Brief display is controlled by the <!--{patronreviews}--> or <!--{patronreviewsbrief}--> tokens on the bib_display.html form. This display shows the headline links for each community review associated with this record. For example:

Clicking the headline expands the review to show the entire review text for that headline. For example:

This display is the default used by WebPAC Pro.

Expanded reviews can be further customized as static or overlayed reviews. For example:

Expanded Static Review

You can use the <!--{patronreviewsstatic}--> token on the bib_display.html form to display the expanded review as a distinct box in the record display. You can specify a graphic for the close button by defining the ICON_REVIEW_OVERLAY_CLOSE Web option. For example:

Expanded Overlayed Review

You can use the <!--{patronreviewsoverlay}--> token on the bib_display.html form to display the expanded review in an overlayed box with the background display greyed out. You can specify a graphic for the close button by defining the ICON_REVIEW_OVERLAY_CLOSE Web option. For example:

Full Display

The Full display is controlled by the <!--{patronreviewsfull}--> token on the bib_display.html form. This display shows the full text for a review associated with the displayed record. For example: