Adding Boxes to the End of a Checkin Card

The following options in Tools | Box Menu allow you to specify a number of checkin card boxes to add at the end of a card.

1Note that these options are disabled unless you have chosen the Add supplements and indexes option in the Setup tab. If you have not previously set the supplement and index parameters, Sierra prompts you to define the supplement and/or index captions and pattern before allowing you to add supplements and/or indexes. See Editing Checkin Card Parameters for information on defining these parameters.

The instructions below describe how to use the Add Issue Boxes at End of Card option. The other two options function in the same way.

  1. Choose Serials Checkin from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the checkin card.
  3. Select a box. Note that it does not matter which box you choose, as Sierra always adds the boxes at the end of the card.
  4. Choose an option from the Box Menu. Keyboard shortcuts for Box Menu options are:
    • Alt+Insert to add an issue box
    • Alt+Shift+Insert to add a supplement box
    • Alt+Ctrl+Insert to add an index box
  5. Fill in the checkin card fields for the first issue you want to add. See Overview of Checkin Card Fields for information on editing these fields.
  6. Specify the number of boxes to add. The default setting for Number of boxes to add is '1'.
  7. Choose OK to add the boxes. Choose Cancel to exit the dialog without making any changes.