Closing Registration

To modify section records, you must be assigned permission 764 (Update section records). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

To close registration:

  1. Choose Program Management from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the section record for which you want to close registration.
  3. Enter the date and time on which patrons can last register for this section of the program in the REG CLOSE field.
  4. Choose Save to save your section record information or Close to close the record without saving.

If you do not enter a date in the REG CLOSE field, the system closes registration for the section as of the end of the last session of the section. For example, if the last session of the section takes place Saturday July 22, 2006, from 3:30 to 4:30, the system closes registration for the section as of 07-22-06 4:30 PM.