Assigning Resource and Origin Definitions to Categories

Pathfinder Pro creates links between resources and an origin within a category. A resource definition can be assigned to only one category. Origins can be assigned to multiple categories.

Assigning Resource Definitions to Categories

For the link to a resource to display from an origin, the category of the resource definition must match one of the categories selected for the origin.

To assign a resource definition to a category, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Resources from the menu on the left-hand side of the Pathfinder Pro home page.

    The Resources tab displays:

    Resources tab
  2. Choose the Edit button associated with the resource.

    The Resource (<resource_name>) tab displays. For example:

    Resource tab
  3. From the Category drop down menu, choose a category.
  4. Choose Save.

Assigning Origin Definitions to Categories

For the link to a resource to display from an origin, the category of the resource definition must match one of the categories selected for the origin.

To assign a resource definition to a category, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Origins from the menu on the left-hand side of the Pathfinder Pro home page.

    The Origins tab displays:

  2. Choose the Edit button associated with the origin.

    The Origin (<origin_name>) tab displays. For example:

  3. Move the desired category or categories from Available to Selected.
  4. Choose Save.