Using Settings

To save Settings, you must be assigned permission 176 (Save Settings). You must also be assigned permissions for the function controlled by the setting. See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

Settings control prompts, templates,and other features for various Sierra functions. Settings options are grouped on tabs. Each function offers Settings tabs specific to the actions it performs.

You can change settings at any time. Changes apply to the next new record created or update performed. Changes can be preserved for the length of a session or as the default value for the setting within the login.

Sierra Desktop Settings

The Sierra Desktop Admin | Settings override the user settings assigned in the Administration Application.

To open the Settings window, choose Admin | Settings.

Changing Settings for the Current Session

To change your settings for the current session only:

  1. Choose Admin | Settings.
  2. Choose the tab that contains the setting option.
  3. Choose a new value for the setting option.
  4. Choose OK.

Changing the Default Settings for Sessions

To change the default setting in the current and subsequent sessions:

  1. Choose Admin | Settings.
  2. Choose the tab that contains the setting option.
  3. Choose a new value for the setting option.
  4. Choose Save Settings.
  5. Choose OK.