Adding a Tickler Log Field to a Record

To add a Tickler Log field to a record, you must be assigned permission 214 (Update Resource records) or 224 (Update Resource license). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

To override a tickler rule for a specific record, you can add a Tickler Log field to resource and license records. This prevents the Tickler program from sending out email reminders for those records in which you have added a Tickler Log field.


You can add Tickler Log fields only to license and resource records in Sierra Electronic Resource Management (ERM). You cannot add or edit Tickler Log fields in order or holdings/checkin records.

To add a Tickler Log field:

  1. Retrieve the resource or license record you want.
  2. Choose Insert and select Tickler Log from the drop-down list.
  3. Enter the following information:
    • Name — The name of the tickler. Typically, this is the field name for the Fixed Field Date.
    • Event Date — The date the tickler email should be sent, in YYYYMMDD format.
    • Fixed Field Date — The date of the fixed-length field for which the tickler is being sent, in YYYYMMDD format.
    • Sent to — The email address(es) to which tickler email is sent.
    • Subject — The subject line of the email being sent.
    • Header — Text inserted at the beginning of the email.
  4. Choose OK.

If you right-click the Tickler Log field in the variable-length field area of the record and choose Expand Field, the information appears in a multi-line variable-length field.

See also:
Using Email Reminders
Managing Tickler Rules