Special Considerations for Editing Patron Records

Telephone Number Field Length

If your library set the Telephone Number Length Verification circulation option to a number greater than 0 (zero), patron telephone numbers that are not the length specified by your library appear in red text. Sierra does not let you save a telephone number you have modified if it is not the appropriate length. You can edit a patron record containing one or more red telephone numbers, but if you cannot obtain the patron's complete telephone number(s), do not modify the TELEPHONE field.

Sending Email from the Patron Record

If you have authorization for function 291 (Send email), you can right-click the patron's email address and choose to send email to the patron (see Authorized Functions). Note that this facility calls your workstation's mail client to interpret the "mailto" URL embedded in the display of this address and actually send the email. Your site's system administrator might have to configure your workstation's email client to enable sending of email.