Telephone Number Length Verification

The Telephone Number Length Verification circulation option must be set to a number greater than 0 (zero) to enable this functionality.

Your system can be configured to require that telephone numbers entered in patron records be a specific number of digits in length. For example, libraries in the U.S. might want to require that patron telephone numbers be 10 digits long. The Telephone Number Length Verification functionality alerts you to inconsistent telephone numbers in different ways, depending on whether you are creating a new patron record or modifying an existing patron record.

Creating a New Patron Record

When the Telephone Number Length Verification functionality is enabled, Sierra requires that any new telephone numbers be the length specified by your library; for example, 10 digits long. However, Sierra does not require you to enter a telephone number for a new patron.

When creating a new record:

Modifying an Existing Patron Record

When the Telephone Number Length Verification functionality is enabled, telephone numbers that are the specified number of digits long in existing patron records display in black. Telephone numbers of any length other than the specified number of digits display in red. Note that you can copy a patron record when the telephone number displays in red; the new patron record will retain the number and red color.

To update to the appropriate number of digits a telephone number displayed in red:

  1. In the TELEPHONE (or TELEPHONE2) field, edit the phone number. When the phone number is the appropriate number of digits long, the number will display in black.
  2. Save the record.

If a telephone number displays in red, you can still modify and save the patron record. To do so:

  1. Do NOT modify the TELEPHONE field.
  2. Make changes to other fields as necessary.
  3. Save the record.

If you modify the TELEPHONE field but do not update the telephone number to the appropriate number of digits, you will not be able to save any changes you have made to the patron record. As long as you have not modified a telephone number displayed in red, you will be able to save the record.