Displaying Record Maintenance Statistics

Sierra Cataloging retains statistics on the number of records you create, edit, and delete. You can display these statistics for the current session only, or for a cumulative range of months that you specify. For example, you can choose to display the statistics from June 2000 through August 2000, or from September 2000 through September 2001. The default number of months for which statistics are retained is 13 (one full year plus the current month). Contact Innovative to change the number of months retained.

Activities recorded for statistics include:

Session statistics track activities performed during a single session. A session begins when an instance of Sierra Cataloging starts, and ends when that instance of Sierra Cataloging closes. Session statistics can encompass the activity of multiple users, as defined by login name.

Cumulative statistics reflect more than the totals of the session statistics. With cumulative statistics, you can view statistics for users of Sierra Cataloging, as well as Global Update and Rapid Update in any Sierra application.

Session Statistics

To view and/or clear session statistics:

  1. Choose Reports | Session Statistics.
  2. In the Session Statistics window, choose the Session Statistics option. The statistics for the current session appear in the Session Statistics table.
  3. (Optional) To clear the session statistics, choose File | Clear Session.
Clearing Session Statistics

Sierra clears the session statistics automatically each time you end a session. Note that session statistics are based upon the login name entered when first logging in. If you clear your permissions (login-based) and set new ones, Sierra continues to accumulate statistics under the first login name entered. New session statistics start only when you exit and restart Sierra.

Cumulative Statistics

To view other users' statistics, or to view statistics for all users, you must be assigned permission 179 (View Cataloging Statistics). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

To view cumulative statistics for a specified user or for all users:

  1. Choose Reports | Session Statistics.
  2. In the Session Statistics window, select the Cumulative Statistics radio button.
  3. Select a user in the User field. Sierra uses the current login name as the default value for this field.

To choose a new user, place your cursor in the User field and enter the desired user's login name, or press the down arrow key on your keyboard. A list of valid users appears. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to scroll through the list, and then press Enter to select the highlighted user.

Alternatively, double-click the User field to choose from a button grid containing the valid users for this field. Click the button containing the desired user or enter the user's login name appearing in the upper left corner of the button. When the button is selected, choose OK.

If you want to see statistics for all users, enter all in the User field or choose the All Users button in the button grid.

  1. Enter a starting month in the Date From field.
  2. Enter an ending month in the To field.
  3. Choose Refresh Table. The statistics you specified appear in the Session Statistics table.

You view statistics for other users and other dates by changing the data in the appropriate fields. Each time you select a new value in one of these fields, you must choose Refresh Table to update the statistics display.