Viewing Bibliographic Record History

To view the bibliographic record history, you must be assigned permission 606 (View Bib Record History). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

Sierra can track changes to bibliographic records and the login name under which the changes were made. The system tracks the creation of bibliographic records and changes made by staff using:

The bibliographic record history includes up to six entries for a record, one for the record's creation and a maximum of five of the most recent changes.

Contact Innovative to enable this feature.

Record History Tracking Data

The following considerations apply to tracking data:

  • Some activities might not appear in the record edit history, or the last update date in the bibliographic record might be more recent than the most recent change tracked.

    Only programs enabled for tracking appear in the record history. Your library chooses the programs to track when Innovative enables this feature. Adding or transferring attached records and automatic system processes are not tracked.
  • The changes tracked might include users who cannot edit bibliographic records.

    Adding or modifying a bib-level hold can count as a change if your system is configured to do so.
  • Alternate or reference database data must be tracked separately.

    Each reference database has its own tracking setup. Bibliographic record history tracking can be enabled separately for each database on the Sierra server.

Record History

To view the change history of a bibliographic record:

  1. Open a bibliographic record in edit or view-only mode.
  2. Choose Reports | Record History. The Record History report appears. You can select and copy text from the report to paste into other applications.
No History

If the bibliographic record was created before the Record History feature was enabled and has no recent changes, a notice appears indicating that there is no history for the record.

  1. Choose Print to print the report, or Close to close the report window.