Patron Record Property Fields

The property fields for patron records appear in the Data Fields, Holds, Fines, and Bookings tabs.

Data Fields

Field Name ID Description
Telephone 80201 The patron's primary phone number.
Telephone2 80202 The patron's alternative phone number.
Address1 80012 The patron's full primary address.
Address2 80013 The patron's full secondary address.

See Using Patron Name Fields in Boolean Searches for a complete description of the Name fields.

See Using Address Fields in Boolean Searches for a complete description of the Address fields.


Field Name ID Description
Hold Patron 80801 The patron requesting the hold.
Hold Record 80802 The record on which the hold was placed.
Hold Placed 80803 The date the hold was placed.
Hold Frozen 80804 Specifies whether the hold is frozen (suspended).
Hold Delay 80805 The "not wanted before" date as a number of days after the date the hold was placed. The maximum value is "180". If a "not wanted before" date was not specified, the value is '0'.
Hold Location 80806 The location code for bib or volume-level holds. Blank for item holds.
Hold Expires 80807 The Not needed after date.
Hold Status 808080 The hold status.
0On hold.
bBib hold ready for pickup.
jVolume hold ready for pickup.
iItem hold ready for pickup.
tBib, item, or volume in transit to pickup location.
Hold Ir 80809 Specifies whether the hold is an INN-Reach hold. Possible values are "TRUE" or "FALSE".
Hold Pickup Location 80810 The pickup location code.
Hold ILL 80811 Specifies whether the hold is an ILL hold. Possible values are "TRUE" or "FALSE".
Hold Note 80812 A free-text note field.
Hold Ir Pickup Location 80813 The INN-Reach pickup location code.
Hold Ir Print Name 80814 The INN-Reach print name.
Hold Ir Delivery Stop Name 80815 The INN-Reach delivery stop name.
Hold Ir Converted Request 80816 Specifies whether the hold is a converted INN-Reach request. Item and patron belong to the same Local Server. Converted to standard circulation transaction at Remote Site Check-Out. Possible values are "TRUE" or "FALSE".


Fines Fields Source

Create Lists reads the FINE field (the 9 field) in the patron record for fine information. It does not retrieve information from the Fines Paid database. Consequently, Create Lists can search only for information about outstanding fines.

Field Name ID Description
Fine Patron 80901 The patron to whom the fine applies.
Fine Assessed 80902 The date the fine was assessed. Note that if the fine is a reinstated fine, this field reflects the date the fine was reinstated and not the original date the fine was assessed.
Fine Invoice Num 80903 The fine's invoice number. For fine adjustment entries (charge type = 4), this column contains the invoice number of the original fine.
Fine Item Charge 80904
If the fine type is: This field contains:
overdue The fine amount.
replacement bill The portion of the fine that is the charge for the item.
adjustment The original fine amount.
Fine Processing Fee 80905
If the fine type is: This field contains:
replacement bill The portion of the fine that is the processing fee.
adjustment The original processing fee.
Fine Billing Fee 80906
If the fine type is: This field contains:
replacement bill The portion of the fine that is the billing fee.
adjustment The original billing fee.
Fine Charge Code 80907
Code Definition
1 manual charge
2 overdue
3 replacement
4 adjustment (OVERDUEX)
5 lost book
6 overdue renewed
7 rental
8 rental adjustment (RENTALX)
9 debit
a notice
b credit card
p program (i.e., Program Registration)
Fine Charge Location 80908
If the fine type is: This field contains:
automatic The location that owns the item.
manual The location where the charge was created.
adjustment The location where the charge was manually entered.
Fine Paid Date 80909 The date the fine was paid or, if the action was an adjustment, the current date.
Fine Terminal Num 80910 The statistics group from which the fine was paid or adjusted.
Fine Paid Amount 80911 If partial payment is accepted as full payment, the amount of the partial payment appears here.
Fine Initials 80912 The staff username used to authorize the fine payment or adjustment.
Fine Created Code 80913
Code Definition
a automatic
m manual
x adjustment
Fine Print Bill 80914 Specifies whether the finespaid file adds fine-payment entries to the bills2print file.
Fine Description 80915
If the fine type is: This field contains:
manual The reason for the charge.
adjustment The reason for the initial charge.
Fine Item 80916 The item for which the fine is assessed.
Fine Checkout Date 80917 The checkout date of the item for which a fine was assessed.
Fine Due 80918 The due date of the item for which a fine was assessed.
Fine Returned Date 80919 The date the item (for which a fine was assessed) was returned.
Fine Loanrule 80920 The code number of the loan rule under which the item was checked out.
Fine Title 80921 Title of the item associated with the charge.
Fine Original Patron 80922 The original patron record to which the fine was assessed.
Fine Original Transfer Date 80923 Date of the original transfer.
Fine Previous Invoice 80924 The previous invoice number. If no previous invoice number is present, the field displays "0".


Field Name ID Description
Booking Item 80501 The item booked.
Booking Patron 80502 The patron who placed the booking.
Booking Created 80503 The date the booking was placed.
Booking Start 80504 The date the booking starts.
Booking End 80505 The date the booking ends.
Booking Type 80506 A code identifying the method used to place the booking,
Booking Prep 80507 The date and time at which the booked item becomes unavailable.
Booking Location 80508 The location code associated with the booking.
Booking Note 80509 A free-text note field.
Booking Event 80510 The event name associated with the booking.