Specifying a Condition for Special Fields

When you specify search criteria, you can enter a special field such as HOLD or LINK REC in the Field search parameter.

To choose to retrieve records in which a special field exists, enter the special field in the Field search parameter and enter 'e' ("exist") in the Condition search parameter. For example, to create a review file containing bibliographic records that have title-level holds on them, enter the following in the Boolean Search window:

Search parameter Enter:
Type b
Field 8
Condition e

The system displays the line:


Some special fields can contain a value. You can search for records that contain a specific value in a special field. For example, to create a review file containing bibliographic records that are linked to order records, enter the following in the Boolean Search window:

Search parameter Enter:
Type b
Field ^
Condition e
Value A o

The system displays the line:


Some special fields can output with additional information. For example, the ITEM ID field of course records outputs the TITLE, AUTHOR, and LOCATION from the bibliographic record, as well as the item record number and the TOT CHKOUT field value:

Search parameter


Type r
Field 9

Here is an example of the output when listing ITEM ID fields in course records:

Caterpillar, caterpillar                          French, Vivian          
Children's Roo QE 595.78 FRENCH               39     i11841229

You can also search for records that do not contain a specific special field (or that do not contain a specific value in a special field). Enter the special field in the Field search parameter and enter 'n' ("not exist") in the Condition search parameter. (To retrieve records that do not contain a specific value in a special field, enter the value in the Value A search parameter.) For example, to create a review file containing bibliographic records that are not linked to item records, enter the following in the Boolean Search window:

Search parameter Enter:
Type b
Field ^
Condition n
Value A i

The system displays the line:


The Special COURSE ID Field

When you select the special COURSE ID field, the system functions differently than with the other special fields. Instead of retrieving item records that contain or do not contain COURSE ID fields, the system creates a review file of items that contain the course number you specify. After you enter '=', the system prompts you to enter the course number for which you want to search.