Rerunning Search Queries

To rerun a search query, you must be assigned permission 018 (Create lists). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

In Create Lists, you can rerun a search query in a review file that has a status of "complete". When you do, the system reuses the search criteria to perform a new search, overwriting the existing content of the review file. This feature is useful for searches you need to run on a regular basis.

To rerun a search query:

  1. Select Create Lists from the Function list.
  2. On the Review Files tab, select the review file containing the query you want to use.
  3. Click Search Records. Create Lists displays the following warning:

  1. Select one the following:
    • Start new query - This option clears the search criteria and allows you to enter a new query.
    • Re-run existing query - This option automatically runs the existing query and returns you to the Review Files tab.
    • Edit existing query - This option displays the existing query and allows you to make changes to the search criteria.
  2. If you selected Start new query or Edit existing query, enter your new or updated search criteria.
  3. When finished, click Search to run your query. Create Lists returns you to the Review Files tab.
See also:
Saving Searches
Incorporating a Review File's Search Strategy