Retrieving Recent Searches and Records
You can repeat searches and retrieve records that have been previously accessed within your current session.
To retrieve a recent search or recently accessed record, use the File menu to choose one of the following options:
Retrieving a Search Using the Recent Search Option
To repeat a search that you performed recently (the search must have been performed during the current session):
- Choose File | Recent Search.
In a submenu, the system displays the parameters of the most recent searches that were performed during the current session. - Choose the search from the submenu.
Setting & Clearing Permissions
After you choose Admin | Set Permissions or Admin | Clear Permissions, the Recent Search option is grayed-out.
Retrieving a Record Using the Recent Record Option
To return to a record that you retrieved recently (the record must have been retrieved during the current session):
- Choose File | Recent Record.
In a submenu, the system displays the most recent records that were accessed during the current session. - Choose the record from the submenu.
Setting & Clearing Permissions
After you choose Admin | Set Permissions or Admin | Clear Permissions, the Recent Record option is grayed-out.
Retrieving a Patron Using the Recent Patrons Option
To return to a patron record that you retrieved recently (the record must have been retrieved during the current session):
- Choose File | Recent Patrons.
In a submenu, the system displays the names of the most recent patrons that were accessed during the current session. If a patron record does not contain a patron name, the Recent Patrons submenu displays the patron record number (including check digit) for that patron. - Choose the patron from the submenu.
Note that this option is available only in functions where patron records are retrieved.
Setting & Clearing Permissions
After you choose Admin | Set Permissions or Admin | Clear Permissions, the Recent Patrons option is grayed-out.
Retrieving a Patron Using the Recent Check-Ins Option
To retrieve a patron record associated with an item you recently checked in (during the current session):
- Choose File | Recent Check-Ins.
In a submenu, the system displays the names of the patrons associated with the items you most recently checked in during the current session. Because every checked-in item is displayed by its associated patron name, you may see a patron name on this submenu more than once. The order of this submenu list will most likely match the order of the checked-in items on your desk.
If a patron record does not contain a patron name, the Recent Check-Ins submenu displays the patron record number (including check digit) for that patron. - Choose the patron whose record you want to retrieve from the Recent Check-Ins submenu.
Note that this option is available only in Circulation Desk (with the exception of the Check In tab).
Setting & Clearing Permissions
After you choose Admin | Set Permissions or Admin | Clear Permissions, the Recent Check-Ins option is grayed-out.
Recent Circulation History Feature
For more information about viewing previous checkins, see Viewing the Recent Circulation History of an Item.