Retrieving Recent Searches and Records

You can repeat searches and retrieve records that have been previously accessed within your current session.

To retrieve a recent search or recently accessed record, use the File menu to choose one of the following options:

Recent Search
Recent Record
Recent Patron
Recent Check-Ins

Retrieving a Search Using the Recent Search Option

Your login's Recent Search History Setup option defines the maximum number of searches that the system displays in the Recent Search submenu.

To repeat a search that you performed recently (the search must have been performed during the current session):

  1. Choose File | Recent Search.

    In a submenu, the system displays the parameters of the most recent searches that were performed during the current session.
  2. Choose the search from the submenu.
Setting & Clearing Permissions

After you choose Admin | Set Permissions or Admin | Clear Permissions, the Recent Search option is grayed-out.

See also:
Limiting a Local Search: Limiting a Search Already Performed

Retrieving a Record Using the Recent Record Option

Your login's Recent Record History Setup option defines the maximum number of records that the system displays in the Recent Record submenu.

To return to a record that you retrieved recently (the record must have been retrieved during the current session):

  1. Choose File | Recent Record.

    In a submenu, the system displays the most recent records that were accessed during the current session.
  2. Choose the record from the submenu.
Setting & Clearing Permissions

After you choose Admin | Set Permissions or Admin | Clear Permissions, the Recent Record option is grayed-out.

Retrieving a Patron Using the Recent Patrons Option

Your login's Recent patron history Setup option defines the maximum number of patrons that the system displays in the Recent Patrons submenu.

To return to a patron record that you retrieved recently (the record must have been retrieved during the current session):

  1. Choose File | Recent Patrons.

    In a submenu, the system displays the names of the most recent patrons that were accessed during the current session. If a patron record does not contain a patron name, the Recent Patrons submenu displays the patron record number (including check digit) for that patron.
  2. Choose the patron from the submenu.

Note that this option is available only in functions where patron records are retrieved.

Setting & Clearing Permissions

After you choose Admin | Set Permissions or Admin | Clear Permissions, the Recent Patrons option is grayed-out.

Retrieving a Patron Using the Recent Check-Ins Option

Your login's Recent check-in history Setup option defines the maximum number of checked-in items (displayed as the patron names associated with the items) that the system displays in the Recent Check-Ins submenu.

To retrieve a patron record associated with an item you recently checked in (during the current session):

  1. Choose File | Recent Check-Ins.

    In a submenu, the system displays the names of the patrons associated with the items you most recently checked in during the current session. Because every checked-in item is displayed by its associated patron name, you may see a patron name on this submenu more than once. The order of this submenu list will most likely match the order of the checked-in items on your desk.

    If a patron record does not contain a patron name, the Recent Check-Ins submenu displays the patron record number (including check digit) for that patron.
  2. Choose the patron whose record you want to retrieve from the Recent Check-Ins submenu.

Note that this option is available only in Circulation Desk (with the exception of the Check In tab).

Setting & Clearing Permissions

After you choose Admin | Set Permissions or Admin | Clear Permissions, the Recent Check-Ins option is grayed-out.

Recent Circulation History Feature

For more information about viewing previous checkins, see Viewing the Recent Circulation History of an Item.