Creating Requested Too Long Reports

To view the Requested Too Long report, you must be assigned permission 340 (INN-Reach Reports). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The Requested Too Long report lists of all of the items that have been requested for INN-Reach circulation loan by patrons on your Local Server, but that have not changed status in more than the specified number of days. You can specify the number of days considered "too long" when you run the report.

To create the Requested Too Long report:

  1. Choose INN-Reach – Reports from the Function list.
  2. Select Requested too long from the Report Type drop-down list. The system displays the report parameters. For example:

    Requested Too Long Report parameters display
  3. Set the report parameters:
    Minimum days text boxEnter the number of days after which, for the purposes of this report, an item has had a STATUS of '&' (REQUESTED) for too long.

    For example, if you enter 2 in this text box, the report includes items requested for 2 days or longer.

    By default, the system displays the value '1' (one) in this text box.
    Days Displayed v. Hours Requested

    When processing the Requested Too Long report, the system rounds up the time for which an item has been requested to days in increments of 12 hours. As a result, the Requested Too Long report might display items that are not yet requested for the specified number of minimum days. For example, a Requested Too Long report of items requested for a minimum of 1 day displays items that have been requested for 12 hours or more, a Requested Too Long report of items requested for a minimum of 2 days displays items that have been requested for 36 hours or more, and so on.

    Sort by drop-down listChoose the column by which you want the report to sort.

    If you do not specify a sort criteria, this parameter defaults to sorting by the patron site and then subsorting by patron name at each site. Alternatively, your Local Server can choose to default to sorting by branch (shelving) location and subsorting by call number within a location. Note that if your system defaults to this alternate method of sorting, it also suppresses display of the patron name. To change which default sort order your Local Server uses, ask your Local Server Coordinator to contact Innovative.
    Default Sort v. Sort By Options

    The system does not enable to you choose the default sort specified by your Local Server (patron home library and name or item location and call number) from the Sort by drop-down list. After you choose a specific column to sort by from the Sort by drop-down list, you must close the report and create it again to sort the table by the default specified by your Local Server.

  4. Choose Prepare. The system displays the Requested Too Long report. In the report display, you can:
    • View details for an item by right-clicking the item in the table and selecting View Detail. Choose OK to close the Details dialog box and return to the report.
      Suppressing Patron Name from the Detail Display

      By default, the patron name displays in the Details dialog box. If you do not want the patron name to display, contact Innovative. (Note that if you suppress the patron name, your system defaults to sorting the report by branch location and subsorting by call number within a location.)

    • Print the report by choosing Print.
    • Close the report by choosing Close.