Printing ILL Requests

You can use ILL to print different levels of detail about ILL requests:

Detailed Print Out

The detailed printout contains all of the information about a request. For example, a new request might appear as:

          Detail Print for New ILL Request 10042139 04-14-2004 8:39AM

Requested 04-14-2004 8:36AM Follow up           -  -   Copyright n
Processed   -  -            ILL Item#         0        #Pages    0
Filled      -  -            ILL Item Location          Type      BOOK
Cancelled   -  -            Stat Group                 Method     
Need by   04-20-2004        Supplier#         0        Status     
Return by   -  -            Pub. year                  Cost       
Returned    -  -                                                  

Author             Schonberger, Richard
Title              World class manufacturing : the lessons of simplicity applied
Publ. Place & Date New York : Free Press 1986
Requestor Name:    Behrman, Andrew
Telephone:         510-555-1234
Requester ID:      p1000780
Home Library:      east 
PTYPE:             0,-,-,0