Possible Messages (High-Demand Holds)

This section describes the messages Sierra might display when you use the High-Demand Holds feature.

System-Wide Thresholds have not been defined.
To create the System-Wide Thresholds report, the Hold Thresholds table must contain at least one entry that uses the <SYS> wildcard in the Pickup Location drop-down box.
You may not leave the Threshold field blank. Please enter a value or choose Cancel.
Each entry in the Hold Thresholds table must have a threshold value between 1 and 99.
No items have reached their hold threshold based upon the selected criteria.
The number of holds placed is currently below the associated threshold value in the Hold Thresholds table for each pickup location and material type relevant to the report you generated.
One or more material types used to generate this report no longer exist.
One or more material types specified in the Hold Thresholds table do not currently appear in the Fixed-length Codes file (Sierra 3.4 and earlier) or the Material Types table (Sierra 4.0 and later). You can either remove the material type(s) from the Hold Thresholds table or add the material type(s) to the Fixed-length Codes file or Material Types table.