Incrementing Item Use Counts

You can count item use in either of the following ways:

Incrementing Item Use Counts by Scanning Barcodes

To increment item use counts by scanning item barcodes, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose one of the following from the Function list, depending on the field you want to update:
Function Name Field Updated
Count Use - Internal Use INTL USE
Count Use - Copy Use COPY USE
Count Use - Item Use 3 IUSE3

The function names are derived from the long names for the INTL USE, COPY USE, and IUSE3 fixed-length fields, or if no long name has been defined, the field's short name. The labels on your system will differ if your library has customized the names of these fields. To change a field's long name, edit the Fixed-Length Field Names table. To standardize a field's short name, contact Innovative.

  1. Scan or key an item barcode. The system displays the following information about each item you scanned:
The TITLE field from the bibliographic record.
The BARCODE field from the scanned item record.
The incremented value of the INTL USE, COPY USE, or IUSE3 field from the item record, depending on the field you are updating.
The STATUS field from the scanned item record.

To view more information about the item, select the item, then choose the View icon or select View This Item from the right-mouse menu. (Note that the item's INTL USE, COPY USE, and IUSE3 fields do not yet reflect the incremented counts.)

The system updates the records when you switch to another function or choose the Close icon.

Incrementing Item Use Counts from a Portable Reader

To increment item use counts with a portable barcode reader:

  1. Use your portable barcode reader to create one or more files containing the items' barcodes.
  2. Upload the count file to the PC from the portable barcode reader. Be sure to note the file name and location.
Because there are a variety of barcode reader manufacturers, the method of creating and uploading the count file varies. Consult the software and instructions that accompany the portable barcode reader and Tracking Non-Transaction Circulation Activity With Internal Use Counts on CSDirect.
  1. In Sierra, choose Count Use - Portable Reader from the Function list.
  2. Select the Process File button.
  3. Use the Select File(s) to Process dialog to select the file(s) you created and choose Open. The system processes the selected files, then displays the number of files processed and the number of items updated.
See also:
Counting Usage
Incrementing Patron Copy Use Count