Creating Volume Records in Catalog
To create a volume record using Catalog:
- Choose Catalog from the Function list.
- Create or retrieve a new bibliographic record. If you retrieve an existing bibliographic record and your search produces a browse list, select the record in the list, and then choose the Edit toolbar icon.
- Choose j Volume from the View drop-down list in the Summary tab.
- Choose Attach New Volume.
- Enter volume information in the Volume Statement field, and then choose Save.
- If there are item records attached to the parent bibliographic record and they are not already attached to a volume record, the system offers a list of those items. Select (check) the items to attach to the new volume record, and then choose Attach.
Volume Record Links
When viewing a volume record (choose Select in the Summary tab), you can choose the Edit | Link Existing Items or Edit | Attach New Items to link additional items to the volume record. The following restrictions apply to volume record links:
- If an item is attached to a volume record, the item can link to the volume's parent bibliographic record, but no other.
- If an item is linked to multiple bibliographic records, it cannot be linked to a volume record.
- An item cannot be linked to more than one volume record.